Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 in Review

so the past couple of years I've gone through a month-by-month review of my entire year. I don't feel like doing that today. So I stole this little jewel from a blog I enjoy, Ramblings and Randomness to do instead. I hope you're okay with that, because it's what you're getting.

What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?
Graduated. Bought a car. Got a full-time job.

Did you keep your new years' resolutions?
I don't remember making any. so YES!

What are some of your resolutions for 2010?
I have one. To make a meal plan for each month and stick to it.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
um. not really.

Did anyone close to you die?

What countries did you visit?

What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
a disneyland vacation.

What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
oh man, there are many. the  day I graduated from BYU, the day I signed the papers for my new car, the day I found out I tore my ACL, the day I had surgery, flying to VA. too many dates to remember if you ask me.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Graduating from BYU

What was your biggest failure?
i can't think of one at the moment.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
torn ACL. not fun people. not fun at all.

What was the best thing you bought?
my car. my iPod. my new camera. Christmas presents.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
um. no one in particular.

Where did most of your money go?
car payments. school. surgery.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?

What song will always remind you of 2009?
um. the good ones.

Compared to this time last year, are you: much happier, richer, nicer?
happier - for the most part, yes. richer - yes. i actually have money in savings. yay. nicer - i could only hope.

What do you wish you'd done more of?
dancing. running. vacationing. traveling.

What do you wish you'd done less of?

How did you spend Christmas?
with the fam in VA. see  below for recaps

Did you fall in love in 2009?
Every. Single. Day. ;)

What was your favorite TV program?
Big Bang. Castle.

What was the best book you read this year?
oh my goodness. I read SO MANY books after graduation. I have too many favorites. TOO MANY.

What did you want and get?
a new car. happiness. a diploma. an iPod. a new camera

What were your favorite films of this year?

What were your least favorite films of this year?
Drag Me to Hell. ugh. hated it. for the most part.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
let's see. I turned 23. My ballet girls "kidnapped" me and we had breakfast and cake. SwingKid and my roommates took me minature golfing and then SwingKid and I went to Tuchanos. Yummy.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
um. not having ACL surgery. That would have made it 10x better

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
find shirts that make me look skinny. also accept the fact that i look great in skinny jeans and then wear them.

What kept you sane?
SwingKid. always.

Who did you miss?
My family and some past roommates.

Who was the best new person (people) you met?
oh man. Probably the people at my current place of work. THEY ROCK!

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009.
Don't skip dinner. It will make me ornery.

What are you most excited for in 2010?
Possibly, Disneyland, Disneyworld or England. Haven't decided/figured out which one of those will work. :o)

What are you least excited for in 2010?
You know what, I have no freakin' idea. There isn't anything that I can think of to hate on right now.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the ABC's of VA

So this year, to document my little trip to visit my family in VA I'm going to do the ABC's of my trip. I had a wonderful trip and did many fun things.

A is for Avatar. This was an AMAZING movie. I really enjoyed it. It was visually stimulating and the soundtrack was just freakin' awesome.

B is for Bowl games. Specifically the Maaco Bowl Game Las Vegas. aka the Las Vegas Bowl Game. BYU vs. Oregon St. BYU WON!! (Also Utah won, that is good for the conference)

C is for CHRISTMAS!!!! woot woot! The wonderful things I got this year include: a waffle maker, gift cards, money, slippers, chocolate, a super cute apron, etc. It was a lovely Christmas.

D is for Dinner. I helped out a TON more this year than I have in years past. My favorite part was decorating the table for our feast. It looks gorgeous.

E is for equality. specifically, sibling equality. I forget what it's like to have to share chores and other things with my siblings. Lately, it's only been Brother C and Sister D living at home. So having me and Sister B at home again throws things out of whack and the other two are demanding equality. It sort of drives me nuts, to be honest. sigh. oh well.

F is for Family. I love my family. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them. At the same time, I'm glad to be back in MY BED and closer to the BF and all that jazz. I definitely missed him a ton.

G is for Grandpas. I only have my 2 grandpas alive these days. My maternal grandfather lives with my family, and I enjoyed being able to spend a little bit of time with him. I haven't seen him in a year and so it was fun to be around him again. Grandparents are just awesome.

H is for a House. Specifically, our new house. My parents did a great job of not making us feel like just workhorses to help move the family across town. It was weird to spend the holidays in a different house from last year.

I is for ICE. Our new driveway really likes to attract the ice. This is not fun when wearing 3.5 inch heels. Just sayin'

J is for jokes. My family loves to make fun of me and they didn't disappoint this year. i don't remember all the things we laughed at, but we laughed a lot.

K is for Kangroos. and lions, or more specifically Food Lion. Random, I know, but it's a grocery store in VA and close to my fam and well...I went there. It was festive. Or something.

L is for Love. I love my family. and SwingKid and vacations that I get paid for. :o)

M is for Money. I got some Money for Christmas. YAY money!!!

N is for Nutella. Which I did not eat at all while in VA, BUT I saw it at the Food Lion it counts right?

O is for O Christmas Tree. I got to decorate our tree this year for the first time in many years. It was pleasant. And enjoyable.

P is for Planes. I rode two of them and sat on three. Long story. See previous postage for explanations.

Q is for quagmires. I spelled this word in a spelling game. I am awesome.

R is for Ratatouille. I got this movie for Christmas, and I'm rather excited by that fact. :o) Woo hoo for building up my movie collection!!

S is for Star Trek. I got this movie for my daddy for Christmas. We watched it the evening of Christmas. It was a fun watch. What was even more fun was the fact that it had a digital copy and I put it on my iPod. :o) Now I can watch it too. WEE!!

T is for Twitter. I twittered quite a bit in VA. Are you following me? Cause you should.

U is for uhh.....

V is for vacation. I needed a vacation. this little trip was a great vacation. that I got paid for it was a HUGE plus.

W is for White Christmas. I watched the movie with my fam Christmas Eve (LOVE IT!) and then there's the fact that I HAD a white Christmas. :o)

X you know how hard it is to find words that start with X? I know. Lots of word gaming played this weekend. I know. Trust me.

Y is for Yellow. My mom and I are both very yellow people. We like to play when we're together. We played. It was fun. :o)

Z is for......nothing. It's the end. Hope you had a great holiday. I know I did.

Friday, December 25, 2009


It's a beautiful, cold, winter day here in VA - freezing rain and EVERYTHING!!!

And now, a little Friday Fill-in-ness for your holiday pleasure. Have a wonderful day.

1. My boots are non-existent. I should get some though.
2. I graduated from both High School and College in this century.
3. Imitation they say is the best form of flattery.
4. Should we just sit and talk?
5. I'd like some sunshine and warm weather please.
6. You expect me to get over it? yeah right.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to enjoying my Christmas presents by the tree, tomorrow my plans include shopping? and lots of reading and Sunday, I want to enjoy church with my family!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve!!

I love Christmas Eve. It's one of my favorite parts of the holidays. Part of this is because we eat our big meal on Christmas Eve. Ham, yummy potatoes (funeral potatoes some peeps call them in UT), my favorite cranberry salad and so many other Christmas favorites. I'm very much looking forward to dinner tonight. yum.

THEN all of us kids sleep on the floor (or mattresses, or whatever) on the floor in a room together - far from the tree so no one can peek. :o) We all wake up around the same time and trek into the room where the tree is residing and see what Santa has brought us. I don't know what it is about Christmas Eve - but even though I'm growing up, I STILL can't sleep. I'm too anxious. It's kind of crazy.

So, wherever you are tonight, whatever your traditions, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Eve and enjoy yourselves.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Adventures in Flying to VA December 2009

Well folks, I made it to VA. There were many adventures along the way though.

Let me start off by reminding you that the East had a HUGE storm Friday/Saturday. There are 20 inches of snow all around the house and it's CRAZY outside. So, needless to say after all the flights being canceled on Saturday, we were worried that ours would have a ton of delays. Luckily for us, our flight was scheduled as normal.

Sister B and i got to the airport 1 hour and 45 minutes before we were scheduled to leave and so we had plenty of time to get through security. This was good, because I forgot to take off my nifty knee sleeve that has metal down the sides and I went off in the booth 3 times. I ended up getting the FULL metal detector swipe. Of course, I'm wearing a bra with a metal support AND pants that have little snaps EVERYWHERE and the wand is WAY more sensitive than the walk-through I literally got the full pat down. It was hilarious.

We get to our gate and have plenty of time to wait. It wasn't awful though and soon we were on the plane. The captain comes on to tell us we have to wait for the defroster guys to come and defrost our engines before we can take off. Well, an hour later we're still sitting there because the defroster guys got confused and forgot about us.  Finally they come to defrost our engines, but then they're .... stupid? and put the wrong kind of stuff in our engines. We're not allowed to leave. Instead, they make us all pile off the plane, they gave us a meal voucher and then said they'd bring another plane to us. Finally, at 12:30 pm we were cleared for take off and we were in the air to VA. We were 2.5 hours later than scheduled so my poor family had to chill in the airport. It was sad.

We finally landed and there was a sweet reunion down by the baggage claim. We drove to the house...except when my dad pulled in the driveway of a house I was confused. You see, it wasn't the same house as last year. Now - a little back story. My family moved to a really old colonial house last August. The heater has never worked, and the landlords (my family was renting) wouldn't fix it until we closed on the house. (it's how it was written in the contract)  It has been REALLY frustrating for my parents. They started looking at their options, and found another house that doesn't have as much land, or a place for my mom's studio, BUT it has working heat and is overall just BETTER for my family. So! We drive up to this house and my parents tell us to get out and go say hi to Grandpa. So needless to say things are crazy around here. Things are still in boxes everywhere. The tree just got put up a day or so ago and has to be decorated. (which will be fun to do! i missed this last year) there are no christmas cookies or fudge or ANYTHING in the house so we have to make it all.

Pretty much this vacation is going to rock because i am getting paid to decorate, cook, and eat. I'm rather excited about it all. Hopefully the rest of my vacation is not as eventful and our flight back to UT goes pretty normal.

Now, I think I'm going to go cook something yummy. :o)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I'm leavin'!



I'm flying to VA! (but please keep your fingers crossed....DC/VA has been getting a BUTT LOAD of snow and yesterday flights were canceled and stuff. so far, everything looks good for our flight.) :o)

My next post will be from little ol' Harrisonburg, VA


Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday before Christmas!

Guess what blogger friends? I fly to my family's house (it's not really my home?) in VA in just TWO DAYS! Yup, I leave Sunday morning! i'm rather excited to see Brother C, Sister D, and my grandpa who I haven't seen since LAST christmas. Of course I am also SUPER excited to hang out with my mom and dad (although I did see them in April, so it hasn't been as long for them...)

I've been doing the 12 days of Christmas for SwingKid. When they are all done I'll post what I did up here (I know the internets have conflicting things on before/after Christmas for the 12 days, I solved that problem by just doing it before I left. :o) ) but I have to wait until after day 12 is given so He doesn't see. (he does read this every once in a while.....hi love)

let's see...Oh i got sick this week. SwingKid gave me his flu. It was a very quick bug, but no fun regardless. no fun AT ALL. and now, for our favorite Friday fill-ins!!

1. No, we will NOT be sick anymore.
2. I'm excited to eat at the old kitchen table.
3. I watched the steam rising from the hot cup of apple cider and thought: I am so going to burn my tongue, and then I did! oops...
4. I hope everyone is going to be okay and have a wonderful Holiday!
5. I'll take one vacation from work for free please!
6. Christmas vacation starts tomorrow at noon, at least from my point of view.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a wedding reception and cookie making with SwinKid, tomorrow my plans include final packing, Truit's wedding reception, celebrating Christmas with SwingKid and Sunday, I want to FLY to VA to see my FAMILY!!!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday Marvels

It is Monday my friends. I had a fabulous weekend (although Logan got DUMPED with snow which made driving NO FUN) and enjoyed some much needed alone time with SwingKid. We were up very late talking about who knows what and just sitting on the couch. One of my favorite things EVER!

Yesterday, I was asked to speak in church. My topic was the First Christmas. Pretty much the Luke 2 story.  To begin my talk, I decided to take a jab at writing poetry. I took the well-loved story "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," and re-wrote it to be "'Twas the Night of His Birth."

It turned out very nicely, if I do say so myself, and many of my friends in my ward were shocked to hear that I had written it. :o) So, for your reading pleasure this Monday morning and for today's edition of Monday Marvels, I give you 'Twas the Night of His Birth.

Twas the night of His birth and all through Bethlehem
All the creatures were stirring, including the lambs
Caesar Augustus decreed all people be taxed
And Joseph and Mary weren't ones to be lax

They traveled afar with Mary with child
She never complained and was meek and mild
There was no room for them in many an inn
Though Joseph looked and begged and pleaded with men

A small, humble stable was provided instead
And a manger was given for his sweet head
'Twas this cold night that a baby boy was born
His mother assured his swaddling clothes were worn

And in the same country there were shepherds
Abiding in the field where none of the sheep stirred
Until the bright, brilliant light bore down on them
And an angel of the Lord appeared like a gem

The poor shepherds were sore afraid but they listened
"Fear not: for, behold" the Lord's angel proclaimed
"I bring you good tidings of great joy, for unto you
Is born this day In the city of David a Saviour,

Which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign to you;
Lying in a manger wrapped tightly will you view
The babe who will be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
The Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

So the shepherds made haste to the stable there
And they told everyone of the babe and Mary fair
Mary kept their thoughts and treasured them in her heart
As the shepherds spread the word of this new start

Far in the eastern lands were men traveling three
Seeking a star, the sign of the new king to be
Three gifts  they brought: frankincense, gold and myrrh
Gifts certainly fit, for how precious they were

A humble beginning, for God's first born Son
His life and ministry had  only begun
He came to earth as part of God's great plan
To save each of us from the natural man

So as you seek for the Christmas spirit
Christ's birth I hope you'll never forget
Continue to seek for him through the year
And not just at the coming of Santa's reindeer

Friday, December 11, 2009

a VERY COLD Friday!

It has been SO FREAKING cold here in UT. It's supposed to start to get warmer this weekend, but since I'm spending tomorrow in Logan, I will not enjoy the "warmer."

1. Good times: are had by all during the holidays. (i hope)

2. Virginia is not my home. But i am going there to see my family in 9 days.

3. Sleigh bells ring are you listening?.

4. I remember how awesome Christmas was when I was little.

5. Once more with GUSTO.

6. When will this cold weather end?

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the Festival of Lights with SwingKid, Sister B and her date, tomorrow my plans include seeing a whole bunch of my cousins at my cousin's wedding in Logan (BRR!) and Sunday, I want to do really well on my talk. eek!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

you know it's cold in utah when...

your car thermometer reads 7 degrees.

you can see your breath

it takes 6 minutes of your 10 minute commute to get the heater warm enough in your car.

the weatherman says it was 0 (and below 0 in parts) this morning and that we can expect the same the next 2 days

Monday, December 07, 2009

Monday Marvels - Snow Addition

It's currently snowing.

I love looking out the window (even though it's behind me) and seeing the pretty snow flurries everywhere.

I hate driving in the wet, icy conditions.

I love how romantic it makes me feel.

I hate that it is COLD.

I love that it makes it feel like Christmas.

What do you love or hate about the snow? Are you torn like me? Or are you very solid in your opinions?

Friday, December 04, 2009

Freezing Friday in December

well my friends, another friday is here and it is FREEZING. i hate the cold. i'm so ready for it to be warm again.

1. You get the blanket, i'll get the hot cocoa and we'll be warm together.
2. I am trying to survive being cold right to the bone.
3. It's Christmas and finals time. I hate finals because they keep SwingKid in the library too late. :P
4. Having cold toes at work is ridiculous!
5. I feel more calm during this time of year than is normal - I think it has to do with the fact that I have NO FINALS!!!
6. give me a kiss and...goodnight!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my first ever In-N-Out experience, tomorrow my plans include finishing up some crafty things and Sunday, I want to enjoy the First Presidency Christmas Devotional!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

reason# 222 why i hate being girl

in the winter, the toilet seat is WAY TOO COLD.

i hate it.


part of me wants to just sit here and complain about how hard real life is, how hard it is to work 2 full days of customer service ALL BY YOURSELF, and how hard it is to function on little sleep. BUT I feel like all I've done recently is complain about my life and i'm trying to stop.

the other part of me wants to do this great post on the Children of Eden playing at BYU right now, but I'm tired because I was up late last night. So, I think I'll just say that it was Fabulous and you should go see it RIGHT NOW before it closes on Saturday.

so ... I'm torn. i don't wan to complain, but I'm too tired to write an intelligent write-up. Sorry. I'm just lame. I'll sleep tonight and try to get myself un-lame.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Marvels

once upon a time there was a girl who worked customer service. her boss decided to take an extra day for the holiday weekend. her co-worker decided to go on a work trip to NY and her other co-worker felt sick and went home early. this poor girl had to work ALL BY HERSELF, ALL DAY LONG, in a NOT SO WARM office, with COLD TOES, and she had to go to Physical Therapy. sad day.

in the end, she couldn't come up with something for the monday marvels post. next week will be better. heck, tomorrow better be MUCH better or there will be kicking and screaming....

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

I am not going shopping today, I refuse to go out and deal with the scores of people doing crazy things (plus i wanted to sleep in. :o) )

I hope all y'all had a fabulous Thanksgiving. Here's today's Friday Fill-ins!

1. Wait! Wait, don't forget the real reason for the season.

2. Breakfast this morning will be followed at once by lunch, so much so that it will be Brunch!

3. The trouble is my knee is bothering me and i'm not a fan.

4. My family celebrated Thanksgiving many miles away.

5. With a faint pop I tore my ACL sometime this summer.

6. SwingKid's hints about my Christmas present have been shadowy and ominous.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to decorating the apt for Christmas, tomorrow my plans include the Holy War and eating turkey! and Sunday, I want to enjoy the last day of my 4-day weekend before heading back to work!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's Wed-friday!

oh man. I am so super ready to be done with work today...i really want to leave early. like, SO BAD! gets quieter and quieter as the day goes on and I am so ready for it to be over.

Is it bad of me to wish that none of my ballet students show up tonight? That would TOTALLY make my day the BEST DAY ever.

well next to yesterday morning where I got french toast and good morning kisses from SwingKid....sigh. Also, I am tired. I want my bed...RIGHT NOW!

that is all....hopefully they let  us go early....

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday Marvels - Thanksgiving edition

Today's Monday Marvels is all about Thanksgiving.

I love Thanksgiving. It's a great time to reflect on what one has been given in life.

so here's a few of the things that i am super grateful for this year:

1- My awesome family. I don't get to see them very often, but I love them all the same. They support me in all that I do and that is wonderful. I'm rather excited to go see them in 27 days!!

2 - The Gospel.  How I love the gospel and the light it brings into my life. Whenever I'm having a hard time my Savior is there to lift me up and out of my pain. He is my rock, my Redeemer. I love the Book of Mormon and enjoy reading it. I get excited to listen to the words of the prophets twice a year and look forward to instruction from these men of God.

3 - SwingKid. Sure, we've had our rough and hard times. Things are not always flowers and butterflies, but I wouldn't want it any other way because I love how he loves me. I am so grateful that he supports me in my hobbies and in my trials.

4 - Friends. I love all of my friends. I love my real-life friends, my blog friends, my facebook friends. All of them. Every one of them at some point has been a strength to me in my life and I am grateful to have always had good friends to guide me through life.

There are so many things  I am thankful for and these are just a few. What are you thankful for this year?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Pre-Thanksgiving Friday

Oh man, I can't wait for Thanksgiving. I get PAID to sit around and eat turkey, stuffing, pies...YUM!! :o)

1. We need more sunshine and less coldness.

2. SwingKid did the cutest thing last night, and it made me smile.

3. If you want I'll jump for you, because I can jump now, even if it's not very high or very good...

4. I am really excited for Thanksgiving  because I am getting paid to take a vacation. WOO HOO!

5. Massachusetts has a proposed 5% sales tax on elective cosmetic surgery; I think that this seems pointless and I 'm so confused as to why this would be on here....

6. Any holiday that has good food, friends, and family makes for a happy holiday.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a date with SwingKid, tomorrow my plans include teaching ballet, BYU football, possible pancakes with Chilly and relaxing and Sunday, I want to sleep in please!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One of those days...

So last night I was PMSing something awful. I seriously was not a happy camper. Being the stupid girl I am, I went shopping trying to boost my spirits (a really, REALLY stupid idea) and things did not go well. I went to DownEast Basics because they have some super cute long sleeved shirts that I wanted to look into purchasing. So I picked up a few things and got into a dressing room. NOTHING looked good. It was extremely depressing. After 1.5 hours of shopping and having only a 30% success rate I gave up and started driving home nearly in tears.

I called SwingKid and ended up at his apartment where at one point I ended up curled up on the couch in a blanket trying to be happy. SwingKid knelt at the edge of the couch and asked me if I was tired, unhappy, pmsing, or angry at him. I wasn't angry at him, and I made sure he knew that. I wasn't exactly sure what i was feeling, but he then proceeded to ask me what he could do to make me feel better. I thought it was so sweet! He made sure to shower me with compliments and kisses before making me go home and go to bed.

Today, is a much better day. I'm wearing one of my cute new shirts, new earrings, and I actually took time to do my hair. Even though I was limited on my time. I have plans to make things happy in my room tonight (it's a DISASTER) so as to help boost my spirits whenever I get home. PLUS tonight is SYTYCD night!! WOO HOO!!

I can't help but sing this song everywhere I go today:

I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me tonight.

I feel charming,
Oh, so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel!
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real.

See the pretty girl in that mirror there:
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face,
Such a pretty dress,
Such a pretty smile,
Such a pretty me!

I feel stunning
And entrancing,
Feel like running and dancing for joy,
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday Marvels - Laughing Edition

Okay. So, SwingKid has shown me some really fun YouTube videos as of late. I thought I would share them with you so they might lift your spirits on this Monday Morning. The second one is very clean...and humorous, but some people might find it...odd? Do not feel obligated to watch it. Have a great Monday y'all!

Friday, November 13, 2009

FRIDAY the 13th!!

This is the 3rd Friday the 13th of the year 2009. Kinda intriguing! The first one I tore my MCL, the second one I had my Senior Project go on stage and here we are, the third one of the year. Hopefully things go well today and nothing seriously awful happens. (although the 2nd one wasn't AWFUL...just a little scary for me, but it turned out good!)

1. The last band I saw live was Yanni.

2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is pumpkin pie, cranberry jello salad, and football!

3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is almost done, I just have to place an order online.

4. Thoughts of my knee being 100% better fill my head.

5. I wish I could wear my skinny jeans, but they won't fit over my wrap for my knee.

6. Bagpipes are part of my heritage, and my High School.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to whatever SwingKid plans for us, tomorrow my plans include making SwingKid dinner and taking him to Ballet Showcase and Sunday, I want to read more of Lady of the Forest!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I heart Thoisdays. Always. I always hate Wednesdays. (if you hadn't noticed that by now, then you're really slow and I apologize).

Anyways - yesterday ended up not sucking too bad. SwingKid didn't have to spend the evening in the library, so we picked up a pizza and salad from Walmart and settled down to watch Confessions of a Shopaholic. That movie is SO darn funny! I had seen it before, but SwingKid hadn't and he really wanted to watch it.  After that was over we watched this week's episode of Castle and the SYTYCD episodes before I fell asleep on the couch.

So even though the day-time part of my day was no fun and really not my favorite, my evening ended up being extremely pleasant.

Random piece of information for the day - I've  been getting A LOT of hangnails lately and it's driving me crazy. I hate them with a passion. They hurt so bad!

Also - Physical Therapy yesterday = death. I had to walk BACKWARDS on a treadmill. Do you know how hard that is to do? It made me think of an awesome dance done on treadmills, but that didn't make it any less scary.

AND..................That's All Folks!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


ornery – or⋅ner⋅y [awr-nuh-ree]
1. ugly and unpleasant in disposition or temper: No one can get along with my ornery cousin.
2. stubborn: I can't do a thing with that ornery mule.
3. low or vile.
4. inferior or common; ordinary.

Man Alive. It's only 8:15 and I can already tell that today is not going to be a very good day. I could tell this when I finally rolled out of bed this morning.

Reasons why I'm ornery:

1.I didn't want to get out of my warm bed this morning. SwingKid couldn't give me a good reason to get out - so I stayed there until 7:15 trying to decide how long it would take me to get ready. I did it in 30 minutes in case you're wondering.
2. I woke up to my knee being NOT HAPPY. It HURT this morning. I took some ibuprofin as soon as I could, and it's only now kicking in. YUCK.
3.  I have physical therapy today. If my knee continues to be like this then PT will be NO FUN at all.
4.  I want to sit home and read - but I don't have the time. :P
5.  Breakfast and me have not been friends lately. I don't feel like cooking, I'm not a fan of cereal, I HATE oatmeal (as much as I'm trying to enjoy it) and there are only so many bagels and cream cheese you can eat in a week. Suggestions on easy breakfasts that won't make me gag??
6.  I'm breaking out. I am not a fan of breaking out. I hate it to tell you the truth. :P
7.  Because Sister B is going to a concert tonight and Roommate R has to work, we did SpoonMe last night (which, b/c I am a dance instructor I got FREE spoonme, so awesome!) but that means that there is NO SpoonMe tonight which is something that I ALWAYS look forward to on Wednesdays. Now what am I going to do???

and I'm sure the list is to keep growing...I'll update you if anything else happens to make me hate today more than I already do...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

chick flicks and my dreams

So last night my Roommate R and I got together at my apartment and watched The Proposal. It's a very a predictable movie, but oh so much fun!

Well, after watching this movie I went to bed and proceeded to have some really weird dreams. Dreams that consisted of me suddenly getting engaged and then trying to get married in ONE WEEK! I had to do all sorts of things, and there were SO MANY people in my dream helping out with putting the wedding reception together and it was at a house I had never  been to before, but was supposed to be a family friend's house. It was just weird. There were so many things that were weird about this dream it is very hard to comprehend. I woke up and had to stop and think for a minute about where I was and what my life is REALLY like right now. SO WEIRD.

This has happened before - where I watch a chick flick and then my dreams sort of resemble the movie. It's very weird and maybe proves that I shouldn't watch certain movies right before going to bed. he he he

Monday, November 09, 2009

Monday Marvels

This  video has gone viral and MANY people have posted it, but I just can't get over how MEAN this UNM soccer player was during the semi-final game! I've heard rumor that she has been suspended from play, but still! This is crazy.

Don't know what I'm talking about?

Crazy, No? Girls can be SO MEAN, but this is just ridiculous.

Sunday, November 08, 2009


It is Sunday. A beautiful Sunday in fact, and so far I have done nothing today. he he he. I love sleeping. I really do.  It's so good for my soul.

I changed my blog look. Its got some cute little turkeys all over now. I do like the pre-made templates, but I get such a kick out of designing my own. I'm going to have to get Photoshop on my computer sometime so I can have fun designing cool things for my blog. I used to have access to it as a BYU student, but since I graduated....I guess I could convince SwingKid to let me at his computer and version of photoshop...hmmm that just might work. So we'll see, for now, I think I'll keep the cute background I have for now.

Nothing else is really new in my life. Rehearsals with the ballet companies are going well, physical therapy is hard but I'm doing really well and my doctor is impressed by how quickly I am improving. I thought it was going to be the end of my world as I know it and that things were going to be SO HARD for a long time, but all I had was rough few days, and then slowly progressing from there. :o) I think it helps that I've had some amazing people to help me out and be there for me. SwingKid has been such a rockstar of a supporter, and then there's Sister B and Truit who helped out a TON the few days after the surgery. Overall, the knee is doing GREAT!!

I think that's all I have for you. Sorry that I'm so boring as of late. I will try to find something to spruce up this blog of mine. I feel like it is dying, but I don't want it to die so I need to find something to bring it back up to where i'd like it. Have a great Sunday all y'all.

Friday, November 06, 2009


2 weeks ago today I was in surgery. Crazy eh? I went to my doc for my follow-up appointment and he said I was doing really well, keep it up and he'll see me in 4 weeks. good thing i didn't have to pay $50 co-pay for THAT. :P

in other news, i got to take the stupid tape things covering my incisions and i found out that they used SUPER GLUE to put me back together. How cool is that? love it. :o)

AND NOW! it's friday fill-in time

1. Plans and schedules make my life easier to handle .

2. I'm happy when things go the way I plan them .

3. The last thing I drank was water. I love water .

4. One of the most valuable things in my life is my family, SwingKid and the Gospel .

5. I like veggies and meat on my pizza. And I will always love a canadian bacon and pineapple pizza. yum

6. Dear November, I like how you've been warm as of late. Please do not snow this month. I want a pleasant Thanksgiving .

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to study night on campus with SwingKid, tomorrow my plans include laundry, BYU football, and Ponyo and Sunday, I want to do something different!

Monday, November 02, 2009

Monday Marvels

Welcome to November all y'all! I heart November. I think November is great. It's a time to reflect on our blessings, a time to eat great food, and a time to enjoy the last few remaining days before winter. Sigh. I think November is quite possibly one of my favorite months. As long as it doesn't snow too much, or stay too cold for a chunk of the month.

November also brings the end of normal college football play (so sad) but with that, brings one of the best games of the year: BYU vs U of U. This is always a great game and this year should prove to be no different.

So for today's Monday Marvels - watch two of my favorite plays from past years' games with the Utes...

in 2006:

and in 2007:

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Eve Friday Fill-ins

I heart Halloween. I'm rather excited for this Halloween...even if I'm not really doing anything. :o)

1. It was a dark and stormy night, and the vampires were out!

2. SwingKid's sister was busy, but had books to take back to his other sister, so I offered to take the books myself.

3. Rushing out, I almost forgot the important pieces to my cool ice machine.

4. It was nighttime...I think I heard a howl!

5. Shhhh... the baby is sleeping (what baby? I haven no idea, but it worked....).

6. Trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to who knows what, hopefully something entertaining with SwingKid, tomorrow my plans include my first time back teaching and Sunday, I want to go to Stake Conference!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

I realized this morning that I didn't do my monday marvels post. I apologize and blame it on the pain killers. my brain hasn't been functioning at full capacity as of late because of those darn pain killers. Although, they were fabulous. :o)

Anywho...that's about all I gots for you. I had day 1 of rehab on Monday, and it went pretty well. I'm walking fairly normal these days - albeit slowly and like an old woman. day 2 of rehab is today and i'm pretty nervous about it.

SwingKid has earned a bucket full of brownie points by doing sweet things for me. Last night he called me beautiful even though I was in my pajamas, a ponytail and no make-up. He was so sweet. sigh. I knew I loved that boy.

UPDATE: boyfriend win: he visited me at rehab AND brought me flowers.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Day After

So...the surgery went well.

My gown was actually pretty covering AND guess how cool it was? It had this place for a tube to insert into my gown to keep me warm or cool or whatever I needed at the time. :o) THAT was one of the best parts.

I don't even remember them putting me under. That was good. the first iv did hit a nerve and that wasn't fun at all, but the second iv went in great and was pretty fabulous.  I guess I went under about 7:20 and was out of surgery at about 8:40 or so, but because I was so tired and because they gave me some Benadryl for my cold I slept until 10 am or so. When I came out of it, I couldn't believe how sunny it was! (it was SO SO SO dark yesterday morning.) I wasn't feeling anything on the top of the knee thanks to the fabulous femoral nerve block they gave me. I did however feel pain in my hamstring on the back of the knee. They gave me some morhpine and then they took me back to post-op and then SwingKid appeared. How i love that boy. sigh.

my nurse was a very nice, funny man. I don't remember his name. I want to say George. But I'm not sure. Let's pretend his name is George. George was nice. He gave me more drugs and at one point he asked how I was feeling and I told him I was feeling very woozy. Woozy was my favorite word. I think it's because it was fun to say. Woozy. just let it roll off your tongue.... he he he

Then George made me get up (after me getting some cookies and apple juice. followed by cranberry juice. yummy) I didn't want to get up, but at the same time i had to pee so Truit followed me with the wheelchair in case i fell over, George held a belt around my waist, and SwingKid was on my left cheering me on carrying something and I was on crutches. It was like a little entourage. I made it to the bathroom and back again but at that point i was SO SO tired. I slept for a little bit and I think SwingKid studied. But then George the murse (man-nurse) made me get up and walk a lot more. THAT was not happy. In fact I'm pretty sure I told him No way. Ha, but he was full of good humor and put up with me. We walked a much further distance where I used another bathroom w/the aide of Truit (i love that girl SO SO much) and then back again. Then I got to put real clothes on (definitely an adventure) and eventually i got to be released and then they put me in a wheelchair and i got to go on a little ride to the car and then it was off to Costco to get drugs. I did throw up once in the parking lot of Costco (sorry costco people) and after drugs were procured we drove to my apartment. And Let me tell you, getting up the 18 stairs to my apartment was an extreme adventure. I would hop up them on one foot heavily leaning on both banisters. I would hop 3 or so, stop and breathe and then hop up some more steps. It was quite the adventure. :o)

Yesterday i slept a TON and read a little. Lots of sleeping. I eventually went to bed and slept all night, waking up every 4 hours to take happy drugs. They make sleep nicely, although i've done a pretty good job of ignoring the tired part of them here during the day. or something.

anywho....i'm pretty sure my favorite part of this whole thing is the fact that 1) everyone wants to take care of me and i get a TON of attention. 2) FLOWERS! My family sent me pretty flowers. a TON of gerbera daisies. I love them they make me happy. 3) yesterday, my favorite thing was the morphine they gave me. That was super happy.

And now! pictures of my awesome knee.

This is my torn ACL. I'm not sure what angle this is at exactly, but all I know is that the doctor said this was torn completely through. FUN!

I'm pretty sure this is the torn meniscus? or it's the torn ACL? I'm really not positive. lol

This is my new ACL!! Yay!! I'm hoping it works better than the new one.

So, if you're still reading this, then you're a trooper. It's been quite the long post. I hope you have enjoyed my recap of "Knee Day." I can't think of anything else to say and I'm sure I've said way too much already. ;)  Anyways. If you have any questions, pop them into the comments and I'll answer them when I feel like it. Because I can. Catch y'all later!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Surgery Day

i love being able to post pre-emptively. which is SO what I am doing, because RIGHT NOW I'm undergoing surgery. woo hoo....more later!

1. The crickets sing, can you hear them?

2. come out, come out wherever you are, you blog lurkers you

3. I want to get far away from the stress of this surgery.

4. once upon a time i was chased by lions and tigers; this was a dream.

5. But as for me I will soon be a lame-person.

6. they don't sing like that where I come from

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to nice drugs keeping the pain away, tomorrow my plans include LOTS of movies and Sunday, I want to continue to be pain free....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

5:45 AM

check in time tomorrow morning. that is WAY TOO EARLY. ick.

it's tomorrow guys...

and i am still freaking out. eek! plus, my head hurts and i can't take anything for it. this is stupid.

as far as my to-do list goes, it has shrunk and grown in different respects. what it looks like now:

  • grocery shopping for like 2 weeks (well...maybe not two weeks, but close enough)
  • make food and freeze it so i don't have to cook (i bought a lot of easy to make items and just need to make some jello tonight. :] i am awesome)
  • find a chair for the shower (anyone??) or SOMETHING
  • get glitter toes (tomorrow. SwingKid's sister. :o) I'm thinking purple....) (they are SUPER cute!!)
  • books (also tomorrow. :o) )
  • movies (tomorrow and every time i need a new one SwingKid is in charge of my entertainment...I'm not sure he completely realizes this yet.)
  • get gas for the car
  • clean room (6p-7p)
  • clean lv room (6p-7p)
  • get a blessing (9:15p ish)
  • pick up crutches from friend (9:15p ish)
  • go to gold's gym and freeze my account 
  • go talk to the trainer to set up rehab
  • take BU2 co-director BU2 things (8:40p)
  • pick up CD of pictures from photo shoot (9p)
  • call hospital for surgery time (i can do this in 30 min....)
  • take a nice, hot bath (10p ish)
oh man. i'm trying to just breathe and not freak out, but that hasn't worked all week and i don't think its going to start working now. sigh. i need work to be over so i can take a half hour nap and then get things done!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


#1 - my lil' bro turned 17 yesterday. I'm not old enough to have a 17 year old brother. eek.

#2 surgery is in 3 freaking days. How did it happen so fast?

#3 my Truit is home from her mission and will be in UT today and I GET TO SEE HER. omg i am so excited. I can't wait. it is like the one thing getting me through my day. I love her and can't wait to see her again!

#4 my to-do list is not shrinking, I've decided if i post it here maybe more of it will get done so -

  • grocery shopping for like 2 weeks
  • make food and freeze it so i don't have to cook
  • find a chair for the shower (anyone??)
  • get glitter toes (tomorrow. SwingKid's sister. :o) I'm thinking purple....)
  • books (also tomorrow. :o) )
  • movies (tomorrow and every time i need a new one SwingKid is in charge of my entertainment...I'm not sure he completely realizes this yet.)
  • get gas for the car
  • clean room
  • clean lv room
  • get a blessing (thursday)
  • pick up crutches from friend (also thursday)
  • go to gold's gym and freeze my account 
  • go talk to the trainer to set up rehab
i'm sure there's more to that list...sigh. my life is going to change a lot on Friday and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to handle all the change....Also, am I forgetting anything? After being sick this weekend and not being able to get anything done, I'm worried I'm forgetting something. I know there's at least 2 of you (Marisa? Erin?) that read this and have done this before...sigh. I'm trying to just breathe and be okay with everything...

Monday, October 19, 2009

monday marvels

i'm going to apologize, cause i've got nothin' for ya today. i've been sick all weekend, and i'm home from work today because even though i FEEL 10x better, I SOUND awful. Since I have to talk on the phone practically all day at my job...I didn't think it would be a good idea to go sounding sick.

So i'm at home sick today. Going crazy.

I hate staying home, and I HAVE to do it all over again come this weekend...blah. 4 days my friends. 4 freakin' days....

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday before the surgery...

You's a week from today. SCARY!!! gah!!!!

1. So are we going to ever be normal again? Because right now it doesn't feel like it!

2. SURGERY is what's up ahead.

3. I love to laugh, kiss in the rain and cuddle with SwingKid.

4. I hope the Cougars go to a Bowl Game of some sort.

5. I walk a lot of stairs each day. don't ask me how i'm going to do this 7 days from now.

6. Sleep is the true elixir of life!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the corn maze that I didn't get to last weekend, tomorrow my plans include setting an entire piece on BU2 and finishing BU's piece and Sunday, I want to enjoy dinner with Sister B and Roommate R!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Why is it that 8 DAYS before my surgery I am sick? I have a cold. Stuffy nose, sinuses that feel like they're going to blow up, an itchy/scratchy throat....yeah definitely sick.

The good (?) news is that SwingKid is sort of sick as at least we can be sick together.

Also...did you notice the 8 DAYS part of that sentence above? yeah...I can't believe it's coming up so fast. However, I am ready. I am ready to start the awful, long process of getting better.

Now if only this cold would go away....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

So I know the "norm" is a Wordless Wednesday...but I just have too many words today.

1. I have had a weird itch the past couple of days. It's feeling better today and I'm praying and knocking on wood that I don't jinx it by saying such things.

2. Work was awful yesterday. Too many hard things to deal with. Hopefully today is MUCH better.

3. While I know I looke decent yesterday, I didn't feel that cute. a different story. I feel downright sexy today.

4. My oil is getting changed as we speak. YAY!

5. 9 DAYS folks....9 freakin' days. GAH!!! (don't know what i'm talking about? go here)

and that's all for now...but i'm sure today will prove to be anything BUT a wordless wednesday...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Marvels

I want this at my apartment.

someone work on that for me k?

Friday, October 09, 2009

Friday love

oh i love Fridays. I only have 2 weekends left before i become an immobile cripple...but until then I plan on doing everything awesome. :o)

1. Sweet dreams _have eluded me lately. I have had a lot of weird dreams about me post-operation.

2. Surgery is scary, especially for me.

3. Silliness should be my middle name. I love being silly.

4. Because I'm going to be a cripple, I have decided to be a mummy or the Bride of Frankenstein this Halloween.

5. Outstanding or not I want to see Fame.

6. About 3 more hours of sleep is what I want right now!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to bed early, tomorrow my plans include 2 different photo shoots and a corn maze and Sunday, I want to make a new friend!

Monday, October 05, 2009

Monday Marvels - conference edition

I love General Conference. It always seems to buoy my spirits and help evaluate my life. This conference was no different. I had several favorite talks including, President Uchtdorf, President Monson (always a favorite) and Elder Holland (sorry all the links are to the audio, there isn't text up for it yet.)

There is just something calming about hearing the words of the prophet. I love it.

btw - 18 days until D-day (aka knee surgery day). I'm trying to come up with a list of things that I need to do prior to surgery. Like go to a corn maze before walking becomes difficult! I also was thinking of sky diving - but I'm not sure I want to do that anyways. lol. So what are your suggestions, dear readers, of things I should do before I get surgery? I'm trying to dance as much as possible before D-day but it hurts a little so I have to be careful. suggestions??

Friday, October 02, 2009

and the verdict is!!

I went to the Orthopedic Surgeon today. He's very nice. I like him. Which is good, because we're going to become GREAT friends....

I have significantly torn my right ACL. Meaning, it's 50% or more torn through. He thinks that of the two clumps that make up the ACL I have torn the first one clean through, possibly the second. We opted not to do an MRI because it costs $1,000 and he knows I've torn the ACL. :P So....

...Surgery is 3 weeks from today.

I am nervous. I have NEVER had surgery, NEVER been under ANY kind of general anesthesia (yes, even for wisdome teeth...i had other drugs) and have never REALLY been to a hospital since I was born.

The GOOD news is, I have an awesome boyfriend who came with me, held my hand, told me it would be okay and then took me to Great Harvest for lunch. How I love him....

Now what to do before I become immobile in 3 weeks??

First Fall October Friday

oh man, I LOVE fridays. Although, today at 10am, I am meeting with an orthopedic surgeon about my knee. I'm NOT excited about this fact. well i am, but I'm not. If that makes sense. I'm excited to get things fixed...but scared to find out what it will take. sigh...

but on to more exciting things! Friday Fill-ins!

1. I have a history of getting in trouble for dancing in the kitchen.

2. A foreign language is something I wish I knew.

3. I'm eating (or recently ate) chips and salsa. YUM!.

4. I hate seeing dead animals on the road.

5. So that's it, that's the end of summer. GOODBYE!.

6. Something is always better than nothing!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the BYU vs Utah State w/Sister Bree and friends, tomorrow my plans include General Conference and movie night with my favorite ballet student and Sunday, I want to watch more of General Conference and enjoy time with SwingKid!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

smells good!

oh man, i love the smells of fall. My favorite thing about fall is walking outside in the middle of the afternoon and feeling the warm sun on my face and feeling the crisp air and smelling the smells of the outdoors. mmmm......

also! i've decided that everywhere I go should smell like apple pie, pumpkin spice and cinnamon...or some combination of those awesome smells. I love October and the randomity of it in Utah. It  can get pretty warm, sometimes snow, usually rain once or twice, but ALWAYS there are beautiful fall colors everywhere. sigh.

i'm hoping to go up the canyon with SwingKid in between sessions of General Conference this weekend, but we'll see what REALLY happens....

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I usually hate Wednesdays...

BUT today has the makings of being a FABULOUS day.

Yesterday was not so fabulous, mostly because i felt like a zombie all day long. By the time I got home from teaching last night (around 7:15) I was pretty dead. I took a nice long bath in my jetted tub while watching The Big Bang Theory season 2 and then by the time I was done with all of that I took my latest read out into the living room and SwingKid showed up a few minutes later. At this point I was fading fast and it was probably 8:30 or so. I put my head in his lap and dozed on the couch for a little bit until he told me to go brush my teeth - and then he tucked me into bed. I definitely felt like a little kid, but I was okay with that. :o) I fell asleep around 9:45 or so and slept until 6:45 this morning. I feel WONDERFUL!

Also, today is spoonme day. I love spoonme. :o) So let us pray that today is a happy day (especially since yesterday was NOT a happy day)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Marvels

Well, my dear blogging friends, it is Monday. Mondays seem to keep coming even though I continually pray to have them stop. I firmly believe my weekend needs one more day to it in order to make me happy. Alas, I don't see how that is possible.

Hopefully, this week is less stressful than last week and doesn't make me want to pull out my hair. HOWEVER, if I do get to that point I'll just go shoot some turkeys because everyone knows shooting turkeys relieves stress.

This wonderful turkey game of awesomeness is also counting as my monday marvel post for the week. I love finding old computer games online (like Oregon Trail! go here for a parody on said classic game) and thus I share my love with you.

Here's hoping for a stress-free week!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

oh thank goodness

It's FRIDAY!!! I feel like every day this week has been GO GO GO GO GO GO GO sleep GO GO GO GO GO GO GO sleep etc. I crashed last night with SwingKid for a few minutes before driving home and crashing in my bed. Hopefully I can catch up on my sleep Sunday. In the meantime....let's do this!!

1. One week ago BYU lost. Let's hope we win this weekend.

2. I was pretty cute when I was young.

3. Mama told me to stop dancing in the kitchen.

4. it's just... you and me...and all of the people (name that song!)
5. Take your time, I can wait.

6. All of these trials eventually will pass!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing evening with SwingKid, tomorrow my plans include the BU2 opening social and the RS Broadcast (that i have tickets to thanks to Chilly!) and Sunday, I want to get so much sleep that i feel 10x better!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

things I need to learn how to do Pronto

1. Learn to sleep with my eyes open

2. Create awesomeness showing my love for the BYU Cougars

3. Play the Piano

4. Make Pineapple Curry (do you have a good recipe you're hiding from me?)

5. Make my dreams come true

6. Get my knee to stop popping funny

7. Make our Customer Service department cooler

8. Be Clever

9. Play Tennis...because let's be honest, it's hot.

10. Deisgn cool things that win me lots of money

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Marvels

Well folks, it's Monday. Today, I'm not a fan of Monday. I feel like my weekend was just too short. It was a different weekend then expected in some regards, but different is not necesssarily bad. :o)

Today's Marvel is that of a series of books that I've been reading that I think you would like too!

The Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr is a wonderful series about faeries. I love faeries.

Right now there are 3 books in the series, Wicked Lovely, Ink Exchange, and Fragile Eternity, with two more on the way.

I LOVED Wicked Lovely, enjoy Ink Exchange, and I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about Fragile Eternity. It might warrent a re-read in a few places. Fragile Eternity just went places that I never thought I woudl end up in with this series. thus, I spent much of the book just trying to figure out what was going on and where it was going to end up, and when it didn't have a solid ending I let out a squeal and tried to roll over in my bed and go to sleep. This did not work so well and now I have to wait until April (7 months AWAY!! GAH!) for the next installment...sigh.

Please do not let this deter you from reading the books. They are wonderful and easy to read. :o)

Friday, September 18, 2009

guess what?

It's FRIDAY!!!

woo hoo! gotta love Friday, I know I do. :o)

1. My car is kind of bland, but super reliable. Love you Scuttle!.

2. My dad's birthday is coming up next.

3. Lately, things seem calm and refreshing.

4. My bedroom, with just the light on, is one of my favorite 'hiding' places.

5. What happened to circus peanuts in the grocery stores? They only sell the teeniest packages for enormous prices.

6. Today, getting things done at work is not impossible!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a reception/date night w/SwingKid :o), tomorrow my plans include the BYU Football game and hopefully finishing the panels for the lv room and Sunday, I want to catch up on my sleep!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

my left birdie finger ITCHES!!!!

I really hate Wednesdays. it seems that no matter what I have planned for the day (and I always try put extra special events on Wednesdays...) it is always my least favorite day of the week.

today is no different. I even wore my red-hot heels today! AND I'm getting SpoonMe w/Sister B and my hair done by SwingKid's sister later this evening.

But is still Wednesday. The work day still seems to drag ON and ON and my ballet class tonight still only has THREE students so the hour seems to DRAG on forever (unlike my hour long class tomorrow night that goes WAY too fast).

SIGH. Hopefully by the end of the day I'm feeling better than I am right now. It's just that after-lunch slump


my left birdie finger ITCHES!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I have decided that someday I am going to the coolest wife and mom in the world.

You're probably wondering how in the world I am going to manage that aren't you? making these AWESOME sandwiches for my lovely family's sack lunches. :o)

Seriously? Aren't they so freaking cool?
Thanks to Design Mom for showing me how to be so awesome.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday Marvels

It's MONDAY! I had a pretty fabulous weekend and I'll tell you all about it later when I have time, but for's time for Monday Marvels!!

My boss at work just showed us some videos by Tim Hawkins. So, drop what you are doing and go to and click on videos. Then watch and laugh. Hysterically.



Friday, September 11, 2009


1. That's a wonderful place to be.

2. HEY YOU!; I'm over here!

3. The possibilities include: dancing, sleeping, or reading.

4. chicken and grape salad is one of my favorite cool day recipes.

5. How will you know what to do when the time comes?

6. I love relaxing and a stormy sky.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the Utah Symphony, tomorrow my plans include SHOPPING! with Roommate R and Sister B and Sunday, I want to make something yummy for dinner, the question is what?!