as far as my to-do list goes, it has shrunk and grown in different respects. what it looks like now:
grocery shopping for like 2 weeks(well...maybe not two weeks, but close enough)
- make food and freeze it so i don't have to cook (i bought a lot of easy to make items and just need to make some jello tonight. :] i am awesome)
- find a chair for the shower (anyone??) or SOMETHING
get glitter toes (tomorrow. SwingKid's sister. :o) I'm thinking purple....)(they are SUPER cute!!)
books (also tomorrow. :o) )movies (tomorrow and every time i need a new one SwingKid is in charge of my entertainment...I'm not sure he completely realizes this yet.)get gas for the car- clean room (6p-7p)
- clean lv room (6p-7p)
- get a blessing (9:15p ish)
- pick up crutches from friend (9:15p ish)
go to gold's gym and freeze my accountgo talk to the trainer to set up rehab- take BU2 co-director BU2 things (8:40p)
- pick up CD of pictures from photo shoot (9p)
- call hospital for surgery time (i can do this in 30 min....)
- take a nice, hot bath (10p ish)
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