please ignore Sweetums...he was in the original prophecy, but since he has a GF.... |
So I had a marathon of dates set up, some of the plans have changed, but I figured I needed to post part one soon so that you guys wouldn't be too far behind in my life.
Anyways! Here we go!
Date #1 - April 9th
This date was for Ballet West's Bolero with
Norsnob. I wore my sister's Prom dress from two years ago. It's teal and sparkly. Perfect for both me and the ballet. :o) I picked up Norsnob and off we went to SLC. We first stopped at the best pizza place ever:
Settebello. Seriously, you need to check it out. It was sooo yummy. Perfect dinner place before the ballet. Then it was off to the
ballet. We were a little bit late and missed part of
Sinfoinetta. In the end I was okay with this. It wasn't my favorite part of the
program, but was still beautiful. Next they performed
Chaccone. This Balanchine classic was AMAZING. I truly loved it. (then again, I love everything about Balanchine). Finally they closed with
Bolero. OH MY GOODNESS. I don't know what to say about this
ballet other than it seemed to be about 2 mintues long even though it was more like 12ish? I think? I have no idea...all I know is that it was AMAZING. I loved EVERY MINUTE of this piece and the ending...oh my the ending. INCREDIBLE. I hope to see this piece amongst Ballet West's repretoire in teh future. It was just THAT good. Walking into the lobby of the Capitol Theater we both looked at each other and Norsnob says, "Alishka, I can't stop thinking about Bolero!" I completely agreed. It was just so good. Overall this date was a major 10 on a scale of 1-10 of awesomeness. I saw him at a church activity the next day and he sort of touched my arm and i went to touch his back and it was awkward and he shook my hand and basically it was so full of awkwardness that all I could do was laugh. Roommate A approves wholeheartedly and wants us to go out again. We shall see.
Date #2 - April 13th
This date consisted of me going out with Fryman for dinner. We met on a dating website and wanted to meet in real life. Real life meetings are the best after all. Earlier in the day Fryman texted me and we decided on a Thai restaurant in North Orem. I love Thai food so much. We split some spring rolls and pineapple curry (my favorite!) We were at the restaurant for almost two hours and enjoyed our conversation a lot. I texted him later that evening with a post-date text. We've been texting a lot since then. :o) We already have plans to go out next week and he's already told me how cute he thinks I am. He's definitely interested, no question. We'll see how things go; I don't want to get my hopes up to high seeing as how my past experiences have taught me that when I get high hopes the boy gets a girlfriend.
Date # 3 - April 14th
I was
supposed to have a second date with the Argonaut tonight. (remember? the duck pond?) He texted me last night to say he's very sick and asked if we could postpone our date. We're now going out next Thursday.
anyways...as much as I like the guy (he's a great guy) I'm not necessarily super excited to go out with him, but I'd already agreed and I can't back out. I'd look like a flake.
Anywho, Date #4 is Saturday night (as long as it goes through) and I already have 2 dates lined up for next week possibly a third....so yeah. I'm sort of a dating queen right now. Ha. I love it though. I'm really enjoying not being in a relationship and enjoying the slew of men chasing me :o) Until part two my friends....