Friday, April 29, 2011

Wishes for the Weekend

So I am sitting at work with a brain that is fried. I have a ton of data entry to deal with and I'm not looking forward to it. I am really tired because I went dancing last night, but I'm totally okay that that. I LOVE dancing and I needed the relaxing, fun evening with friends. wishes for the weekend:
  • warmth. I'm not getting this wish seeing as how the next 3 days is supposed to be unseasonably cold with a Hard frost on Sunday morning. Not fun guys, not fun. The good news is that as of right now it's supposed to be BEAUTIFUL next week. Let's hope that holds true.
  • I'm wishing for a calm, relaxing weekend. I have little to no plans this weekend and I'm very excited about this because I need some calm "me-time" to get some of my to-do list done. We'll see how that goes.
  • I want to go see my friends' baby. She was born yesterday (4 weeks early!) and I am so happy for my friend.
  • I am hoping my pot roast dinner on Sunday night turns out.
  • While I am excited to have "me-time" this weekend, I also want to play with friends. I do have some plans for this evening...but I'm hoping to see some friends tomorrow night as well. Guess we'll see what happens.
I'm sure there are several other wishes for my weekend, but seeing as how I'm running on limited brain power right now and all of that brain power is being used for work we'll stop there. I hope you all have a splendid weekend. Loves!