Friday, February 29, 2008
Leap Day
My mom suggested I propose. Supposedly on leap day it is kosher for girls to ask their boyfriends to marry them. However....I have no boyfriend to propose to so I vetoed that suggestion quickly. But, since I'm a nice person I thought I would post this happy video telling you how to propose. ha ha ha.
Other things I thought I would do today, that I actually did do...I leapt during ballet class. I sat outside enjoying the sunshine while doing my homework. And now that the sun has gone down I am sitting in my living room watching my favorite show ever, and working on the rest of my homework.
The final thing I will be doing today is attending my ward's "Awkward High School dance." I am so excited to go to this. It is going to be SO much fun! Our FHE group is going to go as gangstas. It is going to be one sweet ward activity. AND it's a dance party...I love dance parties!!! :-) Happy Leap Day y'all!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008
Honestly, how hard is it to get some black socks?? I mean, socks aren't that hard to find. I don't mind if guys where white socks with their black pants and black shoes because 90% of the time you aren't going to see them. However...with girls it's a different story. Ballet flats do not cover up the socks you wear, and even though you are wearing pants that come down...I'm sorry...but no. please, for my sanity, don't wear black pants and black ballet flats with white socks. it's just not acceptable.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Your BIGGEST dream come true...
Have you ever dreamed of being nobility?!?!? I know I have. There were many times that as a little girl that I would pretend to be a pretty princess. Well…now all of your dreams of being nobility are about to come true.
The micro-nation of Sealand, is having a contest in which you can become a baron or baroness of Sealand. All you have to do is answer three easy multiple-choice questions and could be nobility!! Think of the possibilites!!!
I laughed for 5 minutes straight as my roommate told me all about this contest. THEN she proceeded to enter the contest. I kid you not. By the end of next week I could have nobility for a roommate. I think this could be kind of cool. I mean really, what could be better? Everyone would have to do what she said, because she's nobility. We would get the best seats in the theater...because she's nobility. If you didn't comply she could say, "off with your head!" ha ha ha!!!!
the crazy thing, is that this is real. These are mini-nations that have declared themselves a country of some sort. Many of them have their own laws, money systems and passports. I am going to make my own nation. It's going to be a very happy place. There would be grass everywhere, and it would be a requirement to walk barefoot through it, because that makes people happy and my country would be all about being happy. The color yellow would be the nation's official color, with the official flower being the gerbera daisy. lol. what fun we would have in my country. so much fun.
the things one finds when we're ignoring all homework....
ha ha ha. Best thing ever. :-)

Monday, February 25, 2008
Remember my dream from ages ago on Mary Poppins? She had a cool bag, not really a purse, but a bag, and it was bottom-less. However, that was a bag not a purse.
No matter the size of my purse, whether it be big or small it always seems to be that I can never find anything in it! I buy a smaller purse thinking that it will be easier to handle and find htings in. Negatory. So then I buy a bigger purse thinking with all the room I'll be able to find the things I need. Negatory. It doesn't matter the size, style, or type of purse, it automatically becomes a bottom-less pit when it is dubbed a "purse."
I wish I knew how to fix this problem of bottom-less purses. I really do. I love purses and really enjoy getting new ones...but I hate trying to find things in them. Any suggestions??
a Poll
Saturday, February 23, 2008
awe struck
My director said this morning during our rehearsal that motion creates emotion. That really stuck out to me. I believe that is true, that the motion we as dancers do on stage does create emotion for those in the audience, but I also believe that emotion can create motion. Many times my choreography is created based off of emotions that I am feeling.
Take for example the piece that is premiering in my March show, the working title being "Delight in Life". This is because I wanted something that would depict my joy that I have in life. I love life and wanted to share that with the audience.
Anyways, back to emotion creating motion. During the movie August Rush I felt emotions running through me stronger than I have felt in a long time. Ideas started flowing in my head for pieces that I want to choreograph.
I've decided that my senior project is going to be incredible. I want it to be that way, so I will create it that way. My only dilemma is that I have so many things that I want to do to make an impact on the world that I don't know what to use for my crowning achievement. I want to do a comedy ballet, but I've also come across several artists and a ton of music that truly speaks to me that I could choreograph to. I know that whatever I do will end up being the right thing and it will be an amazing experience. I am excited for that moment. It will be awesome. Much like what I am feeling now: awesomeness.
So the moral of this post is to go and see an inspiring movie: August Rush. I know it touched me, let it touch you.
Friday, February 22, 2008
so after the ballet we made our way to get some ice cream and had a lot of really good conversation. It's funny how being honest is so much more fun than trying to think about what you are saying and trying to make sure you don't make a fool of yourself. Truly...I am a firm believer in jsut being yourself on a date. The true you is going to come out eventually...why not make it come out on the first date so that there are no surprises later? own personal rant for the day.
Anywho, one of my favorite parts of the conversation went like this: so what are you not anti?
"I am not anti ______" man...those were fun. the best one was the one with the triple negative. I don't remember what it was but it was something like "I am not anti not ______" greatest thing ever. and if my mind was functioning better I might remember...but I definitely won't remember in the morning, it's late, and i have rehearsal at 7:30 in the morning. ha. I should go to off I go. Ciao my friends.

awkward moments

Thursday, February 21, 2008
Redefining Service
It's late and these thoughts are somewhat jumbled, but please. visit and let's help this movement take flight. It's incredible, and I am pleased to say that I have pledged to be a full supporter. If I can do it, you can do it. We can change!!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
“Kissing is like drinking salted water: you drink and your thirst increases” - Chinese Proverbs quotes
So kissing...As I thought about it today and talking about it with a friend, I've always wondered what people think of me when they kiss me. I mean, how do you know if you're good or not? I have had people make little comments here and there, but I've never had someone say "Oh my gosh you're an incredibly good kisser." Or something like that. Nor have I had anyone give me pointers. I mean kissing is one of those things I just do. I didn't really learn how to kiss. So how does one improve? Do you ask your current kissing partner what they think? Do you go to past boyfriends or lovers and ask how your kissing rates? What's the proper protocol? I'm truly curious. Any suggestions oh blogging world?? Do you call those old flames up and ask? Forget about them and wait for your next lover to come to you and ask them? What would you do??
And if you were ever wondering, the following is pretty good advice if I do say so myself.
If you are ever in doubt as to whether to kiss a pretty girl, always give her the benefit of the doubt. ~Thomas Carlyle

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Missing the Warmth
I am ready for the semester to end, or at least ready for it to pick up speed so it can end. I figure I have a little less than 3 weeks until my birthday (which will be a party), 2 weeks after that until my show, and 3 weeks from that until the end of the semester.
I can do this. I can handle the rest of this semester. Change is coming, and I am much ready for change...I just have to wait a little bit longer for that change to happen. However, I sense that it is coming and I am so anxious that it is hard to be patient for said change to occur. [sigh] Sometimes I wish I could just skip the hard things and just live through the happy things, but then I guess that wouldn't really be me being tested like I'm s'posed to me now would it? Okay...enough of this feeling sorry for myself. It's time to be happy again. :-D I will do this, and I will be happy. Now to convince the snow to go away...
Monday, February 18, 2008
Vegas!! Part 2
The Temple was GORGEOUS!!! It was seriously so pretty.
I found myself a new boyfriend at the Vegas Temple...
we got along very well, and we enjoyed each other's company for the few minutes I was there. ;) lol. Honestly though, the palm trees were so pretty. Sister B, mom and I all loved seeing green
The Green M& it!
The MGM Lion habitat. This was incredible. Pretty much I walked underneath 2 lions sleeping. Really, really cool.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
VEGAS!!! Day 1
And for your viewing pleasure...a video of the sweetness we saw!
As well as seeing sweet things on the LCD canopy screen above us, we also saw many other cool things, including the Riders of the Thunderdome! These guys were incredible! My favorite part was when all three motorcycle riders were in the 15 foot diameter cage and were going 35 miles per hour!!!! So cool...don't believe me? Watch the sweet video...
After the Fremont Street Experience we made our way to the Bellagio to watch the fountains. This was so pretty and 10x better than i thought it would be! I loved every minute of it. :-)
Pretty much last night was Awesome! Stay tuned for more Vegas fun including palm tree coolness, the Las Vegas Nevada Temple, and our major cool shopping trip that is going down tomorrow. :-) Rock on y'all!!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
However, when I go to a restaurant I drink A LOT. Take this past weekend for example, when I was at my favorite restaurant ever (aka Los Hermanos) and during my hour and half or so dinner I drank 2 full glasses of water and 1 full glass of strawberry lemonade. This is quite normal for me when I am at a restaurant. :-)
I have wondered why this might be. I think part of it might be because of the straw. I mean honestly...straws are just SO cool. My favorite restaurant to get a straw at is California Pizza Kitchen. They have the cool straws:

However I did like it at T.G.I. Fridays when they gave me a pretty sweet colored straw.

Thursday, February 14, 2008
This is to all my friends from all wakes of life. I can't express how much you mean to me, but I will do my best!
Dear Friend,
Thank you for being my friend. You are fantastic. I am so privileged to call you my friend, and I don't know what I would do without you. You have been there for me in so many different ways. You have been there when I have cried, supported me during the hard times, and celebrated with me during the happy times. Thank you for always being willing to spend time with me, even though you might have had a better offer at other times. You rock my world and I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me.
Today, I hope brings you some sunshine, happiness, and joy. You deserve the very best in life and I want you to be oh so very happy. Don't spend today bitter that you may not have a significant other to shower in lavish gifts and your love; instead, spend today thankful for everything you do have. Enjoy your time in this place in your life and love others, life, and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for being my friend, I love you!!
Much love from your dear friend,
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
50 ODD things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT
OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them
learn 50 things about you!
1. Do you like blue cheese?
Um…I’ve never tried blue cheese; however, I tend to like cheese…so maybe I do?
2. Have you ever been to Yellowstone Park ?
3. Do you own a gun?
4. What are your favorite songs?
oh geez…I have lots of favorites. You can refer to here and here for some that I have posted in the past.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
yes. In fact, I posted about it once.
6. What do you think about hot dogs?
I actually like a really good hot dog. It has to have been roasted, none of this microwave business, and I have to have at least relish and mustard to put on it. I love J-Dawgs…
7. Favorite Christmas song?
Oh man. I love Christmas songs. “I love I Saw Three Ships,” “Breath of Heaven” (by Amy Grant) and “Mary, Did you Know?”
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Water or orange juice.
9. Can you do push ups?
For the most part, yes.
10. What are you listening to right now?
Right now, I am listening to “Defying Gravity” from Wicked. Love that musical…anyone want to give me tickets for my birthday? :)
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
I love my pearl necklace and the earrings my mom made to go with it.
12. Favorite hobby?
Dancing, reading, singing in the shower, and running through the grass barefoot.
13. Secret weapon to get the opposite sex?
Um….am I supposed to have a secret weapon?
14. Do you have ADD?
Um, no. Well, maybe sometimes. Wait, what was the question again?
15. What one trait do you hate about yourself
Uh…I try not to hate myself, that leads to not good things. I have things that I would like to go away…but that’s not something I am going to put here.
16. What's your middle name?
Sorry, that’s another thing I’m not putting up here.
17. Name 3 thoughts you are thinking at this exact moment...
1. I don’t think I can think of 3 thoughts all at the same time.
2. Now I can’t think of anything else.
3. This is a stupid question.
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday
1. First of all, I am broke until payday.
2. Although, technically the pointe shoes I ordered on Sunday went through yesterday, so I guess that can count.
3. I did buy a granola out of the vending machines with my Student I.D. card.
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink.
1. Water
2. Vitamin Water
3. Orange Juice
20. Current worry right now?
Making sure I get my piano assignment due before Tuesday, getting caught up in Physical Science, my aching body, getting my choreography clean for our show in March, oh and where I am going to live for the next year.
21. Current hate right now
The snow.
22. Favorite place to be?
In bed.
23. What did you do to bring in the New Year?
Cherry Cordial Chocolate kisses. Yum.
24. Where would you like to go?
Out of Provo. Away from life. On a vacation. Like that’s going to happen…
25. Name three people who will complete this?
Marisa (which I promise to complete yours…eventually), and anyone else who reads this and feels like it.
26. Do you own slippers?
Yes…they are yellow. And fuzzy. And more like socks than slippers, but I LOVE them.
27. What shirt are you wearing?
My burnt-orange (I think it’s actually called cider) long-sleeved lace down east shirt.
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
I have never had the opportunity to sleep on satin sheets.
29. Can you whistle?
30. Favorite color?
Purple, teal, and green.
31. Would you be a pirate?
32. What songs do you sing in the shower?
lol, whatever I put on my iTunes list to listen to when I am in the shower.
33. Favorite girl's name?
My favorite is Embyr
34. Favorite boy's name?
Hmmm…boys names are hard for me. I don’t know if I have a favorite right now.
35. What's in your pocket right now?
My lip gloss and a pony tail holder.
36. What made you laugh last?
My roommate last night.
37. Best bed sheets as a child?
Uh….I really don’t remember what they looked like.
38. Worst injury you've ever had?
I haven’t had anything horrible but I have had injuries that make life difficult. Like when I sliced my finger open in August.
39. Do you love where you live?
Yes and no. I will be moving in April.
40. How many TVs do you have in your house?
41. Who is your loudest friend?
Um…usually I am the loudest. ;)
42. How many dogs do you have?
43. Does someone have a crush on you?
I don’t know. If they do, they haven’t made it known to me and I am very much in the dark.
44. What would you do if you hit a deer while driving?
Scream. Freak out. Call my mom.
45. What is your favorite book?
I can only pick one?? I really liked Expecting Adam and The Count of Monte Cristo.
46. What is your favorite candy?
Milky Way Midnight.
47. Favorite Sports Team?
BYU Football!!! (duh!)
48. What songs do you want sung/played at your funeral?
I have no idea. I think I want Come Thou Font, and something happy and about sunshine. Maybe the Lord is My Light or There is Sunshine in My Soul?
49. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
I want to sleep more, but I need a shower so I can do my hair. Ugh…It’s Wednesday….
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
best friends
I have had a lot of really good guy friends in my life. There are the ones that are always there when I need a hug, or a shoulder to cry on. I have the guy friend that I can always call for a date, knowing that we both know its not going to go anywhere, but that we just need to get out and have some fun. Then there are the guy friends that I want to date. However, since we are "friends" these boys seem scared to try and take it to the next level because they don't want to ruin a good thing. BUT isn't what everyone wants is a "best friend" for a companion in life? So why not try and take your best friend to that level? It frustrates me to some degree that the whole being friends thing first seems to stop some people. [sigh]
I guess I just wish I could meet some people, who become my really good friends, and then we possibly date and stuff. Wouldn't that be really nice? Because truly, one of the requirements of my husband to be is that he is my best friend. He has to be someone I can truly talk to, confide in, and feel like he is truly listening to what I say and responds accordingly. I have a friend who is like this. It never ceases to me how well we can talk to each other and discuss our lives. It's a great thing in my mind. He rocks. However that's all he is is a friend. Part of me wants it to go further but at the same I am not ready for something like that right now. I just got out of relationship. A really good one at that. So now, here I sit wondering where my life is going, what I am doing and how I am going to meet someone that can truly make me happy and be my best friend. If you have any ideas, please let me know. Have a great day!
Monday, February 11, 2008
soical networking craziness
It's truly incredible to me, and at the same time it makes me really happy. I have recently begun to realize how many really good friend I truly do have. I love having friends. There's just something about having people who know you and know what you need so much of the time. It pretty much rocks.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
300th Post!!!
100 Things About Me
This is pretty much the awesomest list ever.
- My mom is one of my best friends.
- I am a daddy’s girl.
- I am the oldest.
- I’m a ballerina.
- I LOVE ice cream.
- I really enjoy grocery shopping.
- I like to go shoe shopping.
- I really like Jell-O. In all forms. Yum.
- My birthday should be a holiday. I really, really like my birthday. It’s March 7th in case you were wondering when you could send me presents…
- Spring is my favorite season.
- I sometimes wish I was an ice skater.
- I have really cool friends.
- I am extremely optimistic.
- Being sad is not something I like to do on a normal basis.
- I LOVE dark chocolate. Especially Midnight Milky Way candy bars.
- Big, fluffy snowflakes reminds me of being in a snow globe, and is the most romantic thing about winter. Seriously.
- I enjoy scrapbooking.
- I have a fish named bob. He has been alive for 9 months. Go me.
- I love my job.
- Gerbera daisies are my favorite flower in the world.
- I love the colors purple and teal.
- I am learning how to play the piano. It is awesome.
- I want to be a choreographer when I grow up. Speaking of which, I have a piece that is going to be in my show in March. Don’t miss it.
- Music speaks to me.
- I like to dress up in pretty dresses.
- I dislike spaghetti. It’s my least favorite dish in the world.
- I have never had a date for Valentine’s Day. [hint, hint]
- I really like having a date for my birthday…
- I don’t like seafood.
- I have a crush on House.
Sigh…isn’t he so attractive? And did you know he’s really British? Don’t believe me? Watch this clip…
- I’m a sucker for British accents.
- I work with someone who has an Australian accent. This is pretty much as cool as a British accent. My boss rocks.
- I have never been to Disneyland.
- I only watch scary movies when there is a boy to hold my hand.
- I suck at bowling.
- I LOVE taking pictures. Of everything. Thank goodness I now own a digital camera.
- I am a sucker for princess Disney movies.
- I am also a sucker for Disney music. I really like to sing to it.
- I like LDS romance-fiction novels.
- I love classic cartoons from the old days. Like Talespin, Darkwing duck, Duck Tales (woo oo!) and of course Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers.
- I like change. Truly I do, change is a great opportunity to grow. Even if change is hard, it isn’t usually a bad thing.
- I like getting my picture taken.
- I secretly want to be on America’s Next Top Model. Mostly because I like getting my picture taken. lol
- I like bright colors.
- I love the Nauvoo temple. I want to go inside someday.
- I love to read and have loved to read since I was in the first grade.
- I like to sing along with songs I know. Even though I can’t sing.
- I love making new friends.
- I tend to do crazy things.
- I also love the Mount Timpanogos Temple. Pretty!!
- I have a thing for cows.
- And sheep.
- And pigs.
- All because of this great children’s book: Moo, Baa, La La La.
- Sometimes I like to French-tip my fingernails…and I like that I like it.
- I have a thing for post-it notes.
- I have a bigger thing for paperclips.
- I met my best friend in ninth-grade biology.
- I tend to always know what the weather’s going to be like…what can I say? I like to plan my clothes for the next day!
- I secretly like the color pink.
- I hate biology.
- I hate science in general. Yuck.
- Mondays are my favorite day.
- I am a true blue, dyed in the wool, cougar fan.
- I like to play ultimate Frisbee. A lot.
- I am a scrap booker.
- I like dangly earrings.
- I tend to like things sparkly. The more sparkles…usually the happier I am.
- I like to stare at the stars.
- Camping is one of my favorite things to do in the summertime, even though its been a while since I’ve had the chance to do it.
- I am thrifty shopper. D.I., sales, you name it…I like it.
- I enjoy good smelling lotion. Like Love Spell, black raspberry vanilla, and Japanese cherry blossom.
- My favorite spice is rosemary.
- Growing up I loved reading Nancy Drew. I wanted to be like her.
- I have a thing for Nutella (except for right now because it’s lent)
- I swoon at a boy in a good looking suit and tie. [sigh] best thing ever.
- I love wearing the colors teal, green, and blue. My closet consists of mostly these colors.
- I love little kids. So much fun! I want to have a family one day.
- I like to play with play-doh.
- I love teaching ballet.
- I like walking on the beach barefoot. I would say holding hands with someone while doing that, but since I’ve never done that, I can only use my dreams as a basis. However, I imagine that it’s really nice.
- I like toe socks.
- I also like fuzzy socks.
- I only wear one ring at the moment, and that’s my CTR ring.
- I like to climb trees.
- I’ve only played in the ocean once, and it was one of the best things I have ever done.
- Even though I grew up in Utah, I have never been skiing, or snowboarding for that matter.
- Also, I hate cold weather…even though I grew up with it.
- I love country dancing.
- I like the feel of new contacts on my eyes.
- I like to daydream. Daydreams are happy, happy things.
- I like Sun Chips: Harvest Cheddar variety.
- I do not like Ranch dressing on my salad. For dipping veggies yes, salad, no.
- I really like it when a guy puts his hand on the small of my back. Also, when a guy holds my hand. Something about it makes me feel safe, and I really like that.
- iTunes is my best friend. (well…pretty much.)
- I am not a pet person. Besides bob the fish of course.
- I am lots of fun when I have 800 mg of ibuprofen running through me. Just ask my mom.
- I enjoy road trips. I am thinking I’ll need one of those really soon.
- I love and relish running through the grass barefoot.
100 Songs - This is a combination of my top 100 songs from iTunes and favorites of mine. I LOVE music, it's a very important part of my life.
- Weeping - Josh Groban Feat. Ladysmith Black Mambazo
- Whiskey - Lullaby Brad Paisley
- I Loved Her First - Heartland
- Remember When - Alan Jackson
- So She Dances - Josh Groban
- If That Were Me - Melanie C
- Mary's Song (Oh My My My) - Taylor Swift
- Stand - Rascal Flatts
- Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood
- On My Own - Les Miserables
- Kiss The Girl - Samuel E. Wright
- Do Wah Diddy Diddy - Herman's Hermits
- The Bridge - Elton John
- I Won't Say [I'm In Love] - Susan Egan, Cheryl Freeman, LaChanze, Vaneese Thomas, & Lillian White
- Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
- Calling You - Blue October
- Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
- If My Heart Had Wings - Faith Hill
- Come Thou Fount - Freddie Ashby
- I Think I'm in Love With You - Jessica Simpson
- Picture To Burn - Taylor Swift
- My Immortal - Evanescence
- Small Enough - Mindy Gledhill
- Wanna Dance With Somebody - Whitney Houston
- Circle Of Life Carmen - Twillie & Lebo M.
- Prayer Of The Children - InsideOut A Cappella
- I Heard Him Come - Jeff Goodrich
- Alegria - Cirque du Soleil
- Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley
- Swing Swing - The All-American Rejects
- Nothin' Like the Summer - Carmen Rasmusen
- Jesus, Take the Wheel - Carrie Underwood
- A Little Fall of Rain - Les Miserables
- Like a Lighthouse - Michael Webb
- Garden Walls - Mindy Gledhill
- Passenger Seat - SheDaisy
- What Hurts the Most - Cascada
- Dream On Texas Ladies - John Michael Montgomery
- Just Beyond The Riverbend - Judy Kuhn
- Me and My Gang - Rascal Flatts
- Teardrops On My Guitar - Taylor Swift
- I Need Thee Every Hour - April Meservy
- God Help The Outcasts - Esmeralda (Heidi Mollenhauer) & Chorus
- As Long As You're Mine - Idina Menzel & Leo Norbert Butz
- River God - Mindy Gledhill
- Son of Man - Phil Collins
- Stay Beautiful - Taylor Swift
- Piano Man - Billy Joel
- Holding out for a Hero - Bonnie Tyler
- Complicated - Carolyn Dawn Johnson
- Room With A View - Carolyn Dawn Johnson
- There Will Come A Day - Faith Hill
- We'll Bring The World His Truth (Army Of Helaman) - Hudson River School
- Candy - Mandy Moore
- Someone Searching - Mindy Gledhill
- Beautiful To Him - Rachel Thibodeau
- Un, Dos, Tres - Ricky Martin
- Great Spirits - Tina Turner
- You Say It Best - Alison Krauss
- A Whole New World - Brad Kane & Lea Salonga
- A Great Memory - John Michael Montgomery
- I Hope You Dance - Lee Ann Womack
- I Dreamed A Dream - Les Miserables
- Cold As You - Taylor Swift
- Whats a Girl to Do - Bat For Lashes
- She's Always A Woman To Me - Billy Joel
- Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel) - Billy Joel
- Walkin' in Memphis - Lonestar
- Complicated - Avril Lavigne
- My Maria - Brooks & Dunn
- You Were Mine - Dixie Chicks
- Girls And Boys - Good Charlotte
- In Her Eyes - Josh Groban
- Beauty And The Beast - Walt Disney Music Company w/Angela Lansbury
- Be Our Guest - Walt Disney Music Company w/Jerry Orbach as Lemiere
- Reach For Me Now - Cirque Du SoleiL
- What About Me? - David Bass
- Me and You - Fall Out Boy
- Machine - Josh Groban Feat. Herbie Hancock
- Defying Gravity - Kristin Chenoweth, Idina Menzel, Ensemble
- Empty Chairs At Empty Tables - Les Miserables
- Shadow of the Day - Linkin Park
- Save the Last Dance for Me - Michael Buble
- Trashin' the Camp - Phil Collins
- Our Song - Taylor Swift
- Say OK - Vanessa Hudgens
- Arabian Nights - Bruce Adler
- You're The Inspiration - Chicago
- Tailor Made - Colbie Caillat
- Top Of The World - Dixie Chicks
- Stacey's Mom - Fountains Of Wayne
- My Front Porch Looking In - Lonestar
- Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride - Mark Keali'i Ho'omalu
- Hey There Delilah - Plain White T
- Tied Together With A Smile - Taylor Swift
- Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning) - Alan Jackson
- Starts With Goodbye - Carrie Underwood
- Pocketful of Sunshine - Natasha Bedingfield
- Over You - Daughtry
- How Far We've Come - Matchbox Twenty
- The Little Mermaid
- Casablanca
- Ever After
- Enchanted
- Toy Story
- Toy Story 2
- Singles Ward
- Return to Me
- The Rescuers
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
- The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
- Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
- Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
- Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
- Hotel Rwanda
- Cinderella
- Sleeping Beauty
- Snow White
- Pinocchio
- How to loose a guy in 10 days
- The Wedding Planner
- Maid in Manhattan
- Remember the Titans
- Miracle
- Batman Begins
- Spiderman 2
- Shrek
- Shrek 2
- Monsters Inc.
- The Terminal
- The Absent-Minded Professor
- Flubber
- Patch Adams
- Ready to Launch
- Treasure Planet
- Pete’s Dragon
- Mary Poppins
- Nanny McPhee
- Lilo & Stitch
- Mulan
- Rudy
- Glory Road
- Lion King
- Lion King 2
- A Cinderella Story
- Bridge to Terabithia
- The Emperor’s New Groove
- Monster House
- The Incredibles
- The Holiday
- Gone With the Wind
- Ice Princess
- Harry Potter #1
- Harry Potter #2
- Harry Potter #3
- Harry Potter #4
- Harry Potter #5
- She’s the Man
- Phantom of the Opera
- Brother Bear
- Sound of Music
- Wimbledon
- The Wedding Date
- While You Were Sleeping
- You’ve Got Mail
- A Walk to Remember
- Princess Diaries
- Princess Diaries 2
- Ella Enchanted
- Happy Feet
- Ice Age
- Flushed Away
- Madagascar
- Tarzan
- Hercules
- The Princess Bride
- Beauty and the Beast
- Ratatouille
- Finding Nemo
- Hairspray
- Aladdin
- What Women Want
- Sweet Home Alabama
- The Parent Trap
- Fantasia
- Fantasia 2000
- Anastasia
- The Fantastic 4
- Jungle Book
- Peter Pan
- Ocean’s Eleven
- My Big Fat Greek Wedding
- Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
- Love Actually (edited)
- Music & Lyrics
- Under the Tuscan Sun
- Monster-in-Law
- Night at the Museum
- Uptown Girls
Monday, February 04, 2008
This, along with a conversation with chillygator, got me thinking as to what I might do. I've always told people there is no point in doing lent...because I'm not Catholic. But, I think this year I could maybe do something....the question is what? What should I give up? What do I want to give up? I've thought long and hard about this....and I think I'm going to give up.......Nutella. It's really, really good. I love it, but it's expensive. And I shouldn't pay the $3+ to buy a small little container every time I want it. So...Nutella...I must say goodbye to you. I will eat you tomorrow, and that will be the end...until March 23rd. When Lent is finally over. I shall miss you my love....
P.S. I promise I am not disappearing from the blogging world. It will be a couple of days before I post again, but when I do, it's going to be a doozy. Expect something fantastically wonderful
Saturday, February 02, 2008
The other hallucination happened this afternoon. I was watching President Hinckley's funeral and I fell asleep. So in this hallucination I was sleeping and my phone started vibrating and my roommate decided that it would be a good idea to put my phone by my head it bothered me so bad that I picked it up and threw it across the room. It stopped vibrating. Then it started again, and this same roommate put it by my head again. This time I yelled "No, don't do that, it hurts! I don't want it!" I proceeded to make it stop vibrating and threw it again. When I woke up with a start the first thing I did was look to where I had left my phone on the table, it was still there. And it wasn't on vibrate. So I asked my other roommate if I had said anything and she said no. So at least my hallucinations don't include vocalizations.
These hallucinations have been so real to me! It's been incredible, truly incredible.
Have you ever had hallucinations? What have they been like?

Friday, February 01, 2008
reason #598 why i hate being sick
Especially right now.
I have turned down 3 dates in the past 24-hours because I am sick. THREE DATES!!!! That never happens! And as my mom said when I called to tell her, I'll probably not get asked out again until April knowing my luck.
Argh! The sad thing is that they were all with boys that I really like and would have loved going out with. And I had to turn them all down. [sigh] I hope I get better soon. This stinks.