Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Love!

Oh how I love my Fridays off. Even when they are super busy with many different tasks and errands and things. I still love them. They make me oh so happy. :o) Anyways. Today is going to be good and I'm sure I'll have lots of stories for you come Monday (maybe even Sunday if you're lucky!) In the mean time enjoy the Friday Fill-ins and Friday Foto parts of today's post below! love ya!
Friday Fill-Ins!!!
1. Ooooh, I can't wait for my date tomorrow night with Tron. :o).

2. I am so ready for spring, I can't stand it!

3. How the heck did I end up with so many different purses? oh yeah, i'm addicted. ;)

4. The temple is one of my favorite places to visit.

5. I'm not a good poker player; really, I'm not!

6. If it has chocolate in it then it has to be good.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to RPGing it up with my roommate, tomorrow my plans include teaching, shopping, pointe shoe getting, and a date with Tron and Sunday, I want to enjoy the last bit of the weekend to the very last minute!

and a little Friday Foto for you. i really wish I could be here right now:

Have a Fantabulous weekend all y'all!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday Things

Hi dear internet friends! Are you having a good week? I sure am! I love short work weeks, they make my heart oh so happy. I have wonderful things happening this weekend and I am just super excited to do all these wonderful things. Here's a few "things" to get you through the end of the week and into the weekend!
  • someone (I'm not remembering who right now) shared this article with me on Why You're Not Married. I liked it. A lot. Also, I agreed with a lot of what the author had to say. Go read it. :o)
  • I have a date with Tron on Saturday. I'm not sure of our plans yet, I expect to hear from him either today or tomorrow. :o)
  • Don't laugh, but I'm playing a D&D-esque game with my roommate, her ex-boyfriend, The Australian and another dude starting tomorrow night. I know nothing of what I'm getting myself into, but everyone tells me I will have fun. We'll see, I guess. My character is a cross between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Scarlett O'Hara. I'm sort of excited to see how it all works out.
  • I get to go shopping with Amber this weekend. I'm rather excited to hang out with her. :o) She's awesome.
  • It is supposed to snow this weekend. I'm not going to lie, I'm sort of excited about it. I haven't gotten to play in any snow this winter (timing of storms has not worked out w/me being in Utah) and last year I didn't play in the snow AT ALL because of my knee. I REALLY want to play in the snow SO BAD!
  • My mouth is still sore from the dentist earlier this week. Mostly it's just my jaw that is sore from having to keep my mouth open for so many hours. I hate the dentist.
  • Tomorrow is going to be full of awesome being my day off and all. I have several plans including going to the temple, eating lunch with a friend and maybe even getting a massage! :o) Yay for days off!
  • I've been planning my birthday party and it is going to be AWESOME. I'll be sure to post about it after the fact.
I think that's about it...hopefully things go as well as I hope they will. Have a great day y'all!!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dating Battle Stories: Intro to Tron

It's time for another introduction my dear friends. Today I am introducing you to Tron. Tron is the guy I met through an internet dating site. (I have made mention of him here and here). I was impressed first by his profile and second by the answers to the questions from the "guided communication" process said internet dating site offered. Soon Tron and I were emailing back and forth on a fairly regular basis.

A little over a week ago Tron asked if I would like to meet in real life and I said I would. We made arrangements to meet at a local Chili's. (one of my favorite places to eat!) So on Friday I got all cute and stuff and headed out to meet my first ever "match" from a dating website.

To say I had fun would be an understatement. The whole evening (aka dinner) was so much fun! Tron and I totally clicked and enjoyed tons of conversation and story trading. There was never an awkward moment. This guy is definitely grounded, confident, and solid. (Plus he's totally cute. :o) ) He gave me two hugs - one at the beginning of our date and one at the end. He's taller than me when I wear heels. A definite plus.

So after said dinner date, Tron walked me to my car and as we near my car he asked me if I would like to do "this" again sometime. I told him "I would love to." He then gave me my 2nd hug of the evening and off we went on our separate ways. Right after I got home I wanted to text him, but my roommate convinced me to hold off until the next day. Instead, she and I went shopping for fabric for my costumer for my birthday party and while we were out, Tron texted me! I waited a bit before I read and responded (I had to focus on my costume - the store was closing soon!) but it was nice to have him make first contact after the date.

Then Monday night I got a phone call guessed it! Tron! He called to see how I was doing since we had seen each other and we made small talk and what not for several minutes. He then asked me when I would be available this weekend and I told him Saturday. He told me he hadn't planned anything yet because it would depend on what night I was free. Tron said he'd call me later this week to finalize plans. :o)

THEN! (I know, isn't this a great story?!) I was on Facebook last night after my workout at the gym and I noticed Tron was online. I debated starting a conversation with him, but decided to wait. I'm so glad I did because he started a conversation with me! We talked for a good 45 minutes or so about all sorts of things. I flirted hard core and he flirted back! He and I have talked about our interests and one of his is Soccer. I know nothing about soccer and he knows that. At one point in our conversation we got talking about Real Salt Lake. I guess they played a game last night and I asked when the season opened and what not. Well, I tried to be all excited about it, but he totally called me on it since I know nothing about soccer. :o) I told him that's because I've never had anyone to indoctrinate me. Tron then said, "Well, I'll be your indoctrinator if you want." I told him that I would like that. (see...flirty!) Anyways, he shared a link with me on an awesome soccer play under the guise that it would be my first in our lecture series. ha ha ha. This kid is great.

I'm a huge fan of Tron. He's been so nice and wonderful just in general! Our date Friday was honestly one of the BEST first dates I have ever been on and I am in major twitterpation mode. Needless to say, I am very much looking forward to my date with him on Saturday night. sigh. I'm liking this whole dating business. It's treating me fairly well. :o) Stay tuned for future updates! It should be good times. ;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tender Mercy Tuesday - 12th Edition

Well my dear internet friends, it has been another week. I am constantly amazed at how quickly time if moving and how happy I seem to be all the time. I am loving life. I really, truly am loving life. It is an amazing feeling.

This week my tender mercy is as follows: I had to get a crown on one of my teeth yesterday (3 hours in a dentist chair = NO FUN) and my roommate had to work. I was all sad because I didn't want to be by myself all day with a sore mouth. However, The Australian came over and kept me company; comforted me while I whimpered, scratched my back, and was just my friend. It was so nice of him. I have the best friends in the world and I am so grateful for them!!

This week is definitely going to be a very busy one and I am all sorts of excited for my adventures. Stay tuned for updates from my date this weekend and other happenings (hopefully for tomorrow!)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dating Battle Stories: Sleeping Beauty

Hey there guys! So I know it's been a week since I went to Ballet West's Sleeping Beauty with Church Boy, but life has been so busy!

Anyways, I wore just a simple black dress, a teal sash, awesome new teal shoes and teal earrings and bracelets. My roommate did my make up and it was AWESOME. I felt so pretty. Church Boy showed up at my apartment and I made dinner. It was good times. We had a wonderful time talking on the drive up to SLC and before the ballet started.

Oh the ballet. It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I have never seen something so gorgeous in my entire life. The Rose Adage was just brilliant and the wedding pas de deux took my breath away. I was blown away by the technique and the artistry that Ballet West brought to the table with Sleeping Beauty. It was just amazing.

Anyways, Church Boy and I drove home and continued to talk and enjoy each other's company.  The funny part comes in the next day. After church and ward prayer (an activity where we all get together and have a spiritual thought and group prayer.) in which I saw Church Boy at both events. I was fairly normal and semi-flirty. After I got home from ward prayer I had a missed phone call and voicemail from Church Boy. I gave him a call back and we made a little bit of small talk and then he proceeded to say, "Alishka, I want to be honest with you. I just wanted you to know that I don't think our relationship is going anywhere but i still think you're awesome." I had to hold back the laughter. I hung up the phone and turned to my roommate and said, "WHAT relationshp?!?!?"  I mean really, we had been on ONE date!! I don't know where he comes from thinking that one date means that I want to be his girlfriend. Actually....I wasn't sure how I felt after that one date. I think I would have been okay not going on a date with him again. was a funny conversation to say the least.

Overall, the date was good, the ballet was INCREDIBLE and I am happy that I had good company.

Stay tuned for an update from my date the other night...the story is SO good. :o)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Helloooo Friday!

guys! I have the best schedule the next 2 weeks. With the holiday on Monday and my Friday off being next Friday I have a 3-day weekend a 3-day work week and then a 3-day weekend. How freakin' awesome is that? :o) I win!!

I have a date tonight. I'm rather excited about it. I have so many butterflies in my tummy right now, but they're the good kind!!

Anyways, I'm going to leave you with some Friday Fill-In awesomeness followed by a Friday Foto! Have a great one guys!!! (p.s. stay tuned this weekend for a Sleeping Beauty/Church Boy date recap!!! It's a good one!)

1. New experiences and possibilities get me all excited and stuff.

2. There was an unexpected turn on a daily walk through the office today -it's a ghost town with all the managers out today!

3. I'm looking forward to the month of March. It is going to be EPIC.

4. I pity those who have never have imagined.

5. Try to find the good in every day. It will make you happier.

6. My ability to be extremely optimistic all the time is what's extraordinary about me.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my date with the cute boy from the internet dating site, tomorrow my plans include teaching, choreography, a bridal fair and a clean house and Sunday, I want to just have a splendid day!


Thursday, February 17, 2011


Well hello Thoisday! You're my favorite, you know that right? I feel like you kind of snuck up on me and part of thinks that it is supposed to be Wednesday. Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad that you are here. Means this week has flown by. Let's take a look at a few things shall we?

  • I went to the dentist for the first time in several years yesterday. I really like my dentist. He's very personable and a great guy. I'm very happy going there (which is good since I don't like going to the dentist)
  • I knew I had a whole in one tooth so I have to get a crown on Monday. Great way to spend a day off huh? Oh well. C'est la vie
  • I have a date tomorrow with a guy from the internets (the super cute one I mentioned 2 weeks ago). I'll give him a 'nym later if I think it's going to go anywhere.
  • I know I haven't told you anything about how the Ballet West date went. I'll work on that and give it to you soon, I promise. The story is a doozy.
  • I started planning my birthday party. It is going to ROCK hard core.
  • I've been drinking lots of water lately. This means I go to the bathroom a lot. :o)
  • I need to go to the grocery store. I don't have time to go to the grocery store. This is a problem.
  • I saw Dr. Teeth last night. It was great.
  • Life is good. :o)
Are you having a good Thoisday internets? I sure hope so.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I really like Roman Numerals. I remember learning about Roman Numerals in elementary school and I thought it to be such fun to figure out number was trying to be depicted. Anyways, the reason I mention this is because my title today is a Roman Numeral. Do you know which one?

M = 1,000.  Today is my 1,000th post. I can't believe I have posted that many times! I have been blogging for 6 years and when I started I never thought I would still be writing today. So today, today we are celebrating! YAY!
Ever since I noticed I was nearing this major milestone, I've tried to determine what I should do to celebrate. I love celebrations! I thought about doing a giveaway, but then I decided to not do that. So instead I'm going to share a few of my favorite quotes and quote pictures. These are all things that I have learned through my years of blogging and living life and I feel the urge to share my learned wisdom with you. So here's to another 1,000 posts. Cheers!


"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Source Unknown

"Women are like teabags; you never know how strong they are until they're put in hot water."  
- Eleanor Roosevelt


"God is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. In short, He can’t if you don’t believe."
- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

And now! I'd love to hear YOUR thoughts. What one quote has influenced your life most recently? What words of wisdom do you feel inclined to share today?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tender Mercy Tuesday - 11th Edition

Good Morning my dear internet friends! I hope you had a splendid Valentine's Day and that life is treating you well. I have a random, itchy chin (well...underneath my chin) and I'm not sure what is causing it...but life is still happy!

I was reading in my journal last night looking at my daily tender mercies from the past week trying to find the perfect one to share with you all today. I am so blessed and I am not sure why, but I am so grateful for all of my many blessings. I think the best tender mercy this last week was realizing how lucky I got with my roommates. Roommate A and I weren't really good friends until about 8-9 months AFTER I moved in. Now, now we're best of buds. I love hanging out with her. She makes me laugh, teaches me how to play video games and helps me flirt with boys. Basically, she's amazing and I am so glad she's my roommate. She's the best roommate for me right now. It is amazing to me how much I have been blessed in my years of living away from home with roommates who seem to be perfect for me at that moment.

Have a wonderful Tuesday y'all.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Today, I want to express a whole bunch of feelings that I have in my heart. Even though I find myself without a Valentine this year, I have an overwhelming amount of love that I want to share. Many times I wish we were more like the Greeks and had the many different words that express different types of love. I think that part of the Greek language is beautiful. So many times I want to tell people that I love them, but it's not necessarily a romantic love but rather a brotherly/sisterly love or a friendship love. Love is so diverse and can be defined in so many ways.
I love that picture up above. Love is a VERB guys. Loving anyone takes action on your part. I don't think it really matters HOW you show your love, as long as you actually show it. Love requires action.

One thing I have realized in my years of dating and giving my parts of my heart to several different people is that you just have to take the risk. Sure, dating can break your heart. Loving someone is a huge risk, but the times that it works far outweigh any time where it doesn't. I don't regret any time that I've given my heart to someone.
So on today, of all days, I hope you'll never stop loving - anyone! Everyone needs a little bit of love. Thanks for being great internet friends y'all. I am so grateful for all the support and love I feel from everyone of you all the time. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day everyone. I love ya!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday Things

Good morning internet friends!! It is a beautiful Thursday morning over here and I am one happy little Alishka. Tomorrow is my day off and I couldn't be happier about it. I am so excited to get some things done and go on a date and all of that good stuff. :o) I've got some great things to share with you, so keep reading!

  • Today is Sister B's Birthday! She is 20 years old! Wow. I can't believe she's that old. :o) I love her. She is the best little sister and does so many great things for me. Last night I took her out for a haircut and dinner at Tucanos. Basically, I'm the best sister ever.  :o)
  • I'm pretty sure I haven't told you yet - but Sister B is ENGAGED!!! YAY!!! She's getting married June 16th. I am so happy for her and her fiance is a great guy. 
  • I happen to be the wedding planner for Sister B's wedding. Fun times y'all, fun times. You will probably hear more about that as we go.
  • When Sister B and I were at Tucanos last night there were some guys seated next to us from my ward. They're new and I don't know them all that well, but I sort of knew their names. Well one of the guys, was just the BIGGEST flirt. He was so funny and I really enjoyed flirting with him throughout dinner. It was good times.
  • I need new running shoes. Hopefully that will get taken care of tomorrow.
  • Roommate A and I went shopping at the mall together for the first time since living together. I bought awesome teal shoes and 2 new pairs of earrings and a jewelery stand. It was happy times.
  • My date for Saturday, Church Boy, is awesome. I've picked a good guy to go to the ballet with me.
  • There's a HUGE milestone coming up on this here blog - I'm trying to decide what to do for it.
  • My birthday is 3.5 weeks. I am very excited for my birthday party. It is going to be AWESOME.
  • I am HAPPY. Seriously. Life is good and I am one happy little girl. 
I am ready for my awesome weekend. It is going to be very awesome. This weekend is forecasted to be the warmest weekend yet to date and I am very much looking forward to some sunshine and happiness. :o) Have a great day peeps!

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Tender Mercy Tuesday - 10th edition

Hello friends. It is Tuesday. Yay for Tuesdays!! I am loving Tender Mercy Tuesdays. I look forward to them so much each week. It is such a great time to reflect on where I am and what blessings I have had the past several days.

This week's Tender Mercy is simple in that I have been so blessed to be able to function and work while still being sick. I know that seems a little odd, but really - not having to take time off for work has been marvelous.

Also, I got some really good news on Sunday and I'll give more details in the future, but I just have to say my heart has been SO FULL the past few days. I have been so happy and blessed that I cannot even believe I am where I am right now. It's been a wonderful feeling.

Finally, I want to share an image with you that has just hit me really hard and I feel like it describes how I feel about my dating life EXACTLY. I have had a few frustrations with a few boys lately, but then I saw this and I KNEW that this is going to be dating mantra.Without further ado:

Isn't that just perfect? So yeah - boys must make an effort to be in my life. No space reserving in my heart. Love you all. Have a wonderful Tuesday and take time to find YOUR tender mercies.

Monday, February 07, 2011

BEST text message ever

After an afternoon of texting Church Boy, I was a little saddened when he didn't respond to one of my texts. I didn't read a whole lot into it because I figured with it being Super Bowl Sunday he was probably watching the game, or hanging out with family or something - so it was no big deal.

6 hours later...

My phone goes off saying I got a text message. I was just finishing getting ready for bed, but I took a minute to look at my phone and Church Boy had texted me back!! Yay! He said: "Hey sorry  i haven't texted back, my family came over and i have been talking to them pretty much since now. I will talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight Alishka."

Isn't that the sweetest thing ever? Made my heart happy. Much better than some other boys I can think of........

Here's hoping our date goes well on Saturday.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Dating Battle Stories: the Weekend!

Guys. Even though I've been in a raging battle with my sinuses all weekend I had a fabulous time!!

Let's start with Friday. Friday I stayed home and watched Sword and the Stone. I then went to bed before 10pm. I needed my beauty sleep!

Saturday I woke up and did NOT feel well. I called my co-director and told her I was too sick to teach. Instead I went back to bed. I woke up around 10:30 am. The extra sleep was EXACTLY what I needed. So I got up, took a shower and then went to lunch with a former ballet student. It was great and I loved sitting and chatting with her.  After that I went to the Museum of Art at BYU. I went with a guy from my childhood...let's call him Neighbor Boy.  I hadn't seen him in several years. We met up at the MOA and went to the Carl Bloch exhibit that is there right now. I'm telling you now, if you are in the area GO TO THIS EXHIBIT. It was AMAZING!!! So yeah, that was fun. We then went and grabbed some food at the Brick Oven. I love their lasagna. It is so yummy.

Then there was today. I love fast sundays. I have a new love for them. I didn't really like them when I was younger, but I just don't think I understood what great things can happen on Fast Sundays. Plus, there is testimony meeting. I love testimony meeting. It is always a booster for me. Good times. Then, I asked out a boy at church today. A few weeks ago I introduced myself to him and we talked for ages. He will now be known as Church Boy. So, Church Boy and I have been flirting for a couple weeks. After I called Sweetums on Friday and he was already busy for Saturday I decided I would take Church Boy.  So I asked him during a  break in classes today and he said YES! i got his number and we've been texting a little bit today. So I think the plan is that I'll cook something for dinner and then we'll go up to SLC to the ballet. I am rather excited.

So yeah, that's about it. It was a fairly good weekend - and I didn't watch the Super Bowl. So there.

Friday, February 04, 2011

something witty goes here

my brain has been fuzzy all week long. I have not been a very productive little worker at my job. This makes me sad because I love to be productive and get thing done and stuff. Man alive are my sinuses doing a bang up job attacking me. I think they're winning right now.

Also, I wore glasses yesterday (tired eyes!) and as I got ready today trying to decide which way to go, I went with the contacts. Bad idea. The contacts and I are not friends right now. So much so that I think I'm going to change into glasses when I go home for lunch in 2.5 hours.

I am glad it is Friday. I am sitting here trying to decide if I should meet that guy I mentioned yesterday tonight or not. I'm not in the best of moods and I'm still feeling not so hot. I'm leaning towards not seeing him and putting it off a week or so. I hate doing that in so many ways....but I also don't feel like going out tonight at all. :P Lame sauce.

Let's see...I have a fun-filled weekend packed as long as I don't stay too sick. Teaching tomorrow + lunch with a friend + the BYU Museum of Art with a guy that lived around the corner from during my childhood. I haven't seen him since my family moved 11 years ago. That should prove interesting.

So yeah. That's my life in a nutshell this Friday morning. I'm going to leave you with your Friday Fotos (I couldn't just choose one this morning. Blame it on my fuzzy brain!) and hope that y'all have a great weekend.

isn't she just the cutest thing ever? I love her.

also. i love this. I want it to be warmer so I can go sit on top of a mountain and reflect on life. That would be awesome.  See ya laters peeps!

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Tired Thursday Things

  • I am oh so very tired. I forget how much putting together a show can take it out of me. I am starting to get sick and my sinuses are attacking me. Stupid sinuses.
  • I washed my bedding yesterday and it finished in the dryer right before bedtime. Therefore, I had a nice warm and toasty bed when I went to sleep. This was AWESOME. I wish I could find the energy to do that more often, but I hate making my bed after washing all of my sheets and stuff.
  • I must admit that I've been on a dating website the past couple of weeks and I've been talking to a few guys from said website. I am meeting one of the guys tomorrow. We became facebook friends the other day and this guy is NOT attractive. :( Hopefully the date goes in such a way that I can put him off without being too mean.
  • Another guy from said dating website has been emailing me and he sent me some pictures. He is super cute. We'll see where that goes.
  • I have season tickets to Ballet West and the next ballet is next Saturday, February 12. They are performing Sleeping Beauty. I am so thrilled to go see this. I'm calling Sweetums tomorrow to ask him to come with me. I haven't seen him in a month and haven't really talked to him in several weeks. It makes me sad. Here's hoping he doesn't already have plans for next weekend.
  • I made a dentist appointment yesterday. I hate the dentist. However, I think I have picked a really good one. We'll see after the appointment in a couple of weeks.
  • I won my work's wellness program for January. I won a one-hour massage. I am going to use it after I go to the dentist.
  • I have fun plans for my sister's birthday next week and I'm really excited to celebrate with her.
  • Also, I am really excited to not have to worry about cleaning choreography for a month or so. We'll start to learn June's choreography in March, but until then it will just be class and training. Good times.
I think that's everything that I have thought about in the past few days. It's probably not and I'm really tired so I don't really feel like my brain is functioning at full capacity these days. Have a good Thursday y'all.


Wednesday, February 02, 2011


First off, it is a Wednesday and I'm FREEZING cold here and dreaming of summertime and swingsets. Yes, swingsets. I love swings. I love the feeling of flying through the air in warm summer air. CSN Stores has several different stores and you can buy swingsets! I wish I had a yard and children to buy one for, but instead I'll be going for something else and then reviewing it at a later date! So what do I need from you dear readers? Some suggestions...what should I review? Something for the kitchen? the bathroom? the bedroom?? I can't decide!!

Second of all, let me just say that last night was one amazing night. The performance went beautifully. I felt wonderful on and off stage. My company performed perfectly last night and they just looked SO GREAT! It made my heart super happy to see them do so well after working SO hard.

Finally, I am so grateful for all the great friends I have! So many people came to the show last night to see me and my girls perform and it made me happy to have a great support system at the show. SwingKid even came and we saw each other for the first time in a long time. It was good to see him and I think it helped give me even more closure.

Anyways, I hope y'all don't freeze anything important off! Have a great hump day. :o)


Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Tender Mercy Tuesday - Performance Edition

Today's Tender Mercies are all about dancing. I am so blessed to still have dance as a part of my life. I love it so much and even though I am not always the one on stage, the rewards of seeing my girls put their best effort forward and come out on the otherside different people make my heart burst with joy.

My students are amazing. They have worked so hard these past few months and they look marvelous on stage. I love each of them so much and getting to work with them from week to week and see the mass improvements they have made is incredible.

"To touch, to move, to inspire. This is the true gift of dance." - Aubrey Lynch

I am also oh so very grateful for the tender mercy of being able to perform again. Dancing these past few weeks and learning this choreography has been a healing balm for my soul. 

"To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak." - Hopi Indian Saying
That quote above perfectly describes how I feel during the piece I am in. Dancing this peace is me letting my heart speak. If you don't have anything going on tonight be sure to stop by the Covey Center and see many beautiful moments. Have a great day y'all!
