Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Tender Mercy Tuesday - 10th edition

Hello friends. It is Tuesday. Yay for Tuesdays!! I am loving Tender Mercy Tuesdays. I look forward to them so much each week. It is such a great time to reflect on where I am and what blessings I have had the past several days.

This week's Tender Mercy is simple in that I have been so blessed to be able to function and work while still being sick. I know that seems a little odd, but really - not having to take time off for work has been marvelous.

Also, I got some really good news on Sunday and I'll give more details in the future, but I just have to say my heart has been SO FULL the past few days. I have been so happy and blessed that I cannot even believe I am where I am right now. It's been a wonderful feeling.

Finally, I want to share an image with you that has just hit me really hard and I feel like it describes how I feel about my dating life EXACTLY. I have had a few frustrations with a few boys lately, but then I saw this and I KNEW that this is going to be dating mantra.Without further ado:

Isn't that just perfect? So yeah - boys must make an effort to be in my life. No space reserving in my heart. Love you all. Have a wonderful Tuesday and take time to find YOUR tender mercies.


Artista said...

Perfect, now if you can truly believe that in the next days and months, we will be doing well.

pakiboy said...
