Monday, August 22, 2011

hello monday!

Hello friends! This week is full of new and exciting things and as much as I LOVE my weekends, I was really excited to get through it so I could attack this week with vigor. :o)

Things that I am doing this week:
  • continuing to work on the 21 day challenge. This week's prompts look like a lot fun while still being challenging for me. Watch for my outfits each day!
  • While ballet classes for my studio officially started on Thursday, I was out performing at BYU Education week, so I had a sub. My first official classes of the year are tomorrow and I'm stoked for the new year! I'm teaching a new class this year and I am just so excited!
  • I'm getting my hair done on Wednesday. I have never looked forward to a Wednesday so much in my life! My hair is driving me bonkers and I am excited to feel cute again.
  • I don't work on Friday. I'm not sure all what I'm going to do that day, but I'm just excited to not have to work.
  • I am going to Blue Tango on Thursday! I haven't been to Blue Tango in way too long due to the musical and I am so excited to see my friends again and dance the night away with them.
  • I am going shopping with Sister B! I love shopping and my sister. So going shopping with her is a pretty awesome thing to have happen!
  • I am getting back into my exercise regimen starting TODAY. I am going to do the couch 2 5k program again, but I'm starting on week 4. I've already scheduled the time in my calendar for when I'm going to the gym so there WILL be NO excuses. :o)
Doesn't that sound like an exciting week? I sure think so!! And now, the moment you've all been waiting for......Day 8 of the 21 Day Challenge! Mixing fancy with casual...I struggled trying to pick out an outfit - especially one that  I could be comfortable in all day at work. I almost went with a different top with jeans, but then I settled on this outfit:
{top w/belt: Papaya, jeans: DEB}
I LOVE this top. I feel so super cute in it and it's the first official outfit that I belted - mostly because it came with the belt. This top feels fancy to me and I always wear it with slacks or a black pencil skirt - but I totally dig it with jeans. One day I'm going to try mixing the fancy and casual with jeans and my Japanese top that I made....but not today. :o)

and.....that's all folks! Nothin' much is happenin' these days. Grizzly Bear and I are still friends....I think he still likes me, but he needs to ask me out on a date in order for me to want to be with him more. And really....that's about it. :o) until tomorrow dear ones!!


hilary biggart said...

that is a great top! i am excited for you to start teaching this week. i'm going to go take the adult class on wednesday and i am so excited to back in the ballet thing again.

Kayla Moncur said...

I love it with jeans! Perfect balance.

Freckles in April

Mrs. Bennett Has Class said...

The jeans are perfect with this dress! Shnazzy! It's perfect for the challenge!