Monday, June 23, 2008


I was sitting in my Financial Management class. Enjoying the very entertaining professor, thinking that I might be able to handle this class if I can keep my mind where it should be, when he started talking about iPhones. How did we get on this subject you might ask...I mean, first day of of Financial Management and we are discussing Apple and their products? all came about because we were discussing what companies should do with extra revenue, etc. How to invest, where, etc. So the Apple company was used as the example and my professor expressed his want of an iPhone.

Now, I have a phone, it does things, and I'm happy. I have read about others and their iPhones, or want thereof, but have never really thought I should get one myself. Anyways, the whole point to me bringing up the whole iPhone thing is this: I saw an iPhone today. For me iPhones have only been a commercial. A cool new toy that Apple has brought out that they are pushing through their commercials. Today, the iPhone became real for me. I saw it. I kind of got excited that I saw one. It was cool. It's a cool phone kids, really cool. But that's it, it's cool. It has the same features as many other phones like it...but it's cool. That's what Apple is kids, cool. I don't know if I can buy a product just because it's cool. Anyways...that's all I wanted to say.

I saw an iPhone today.


Anonymous said...

If I could afford one: I'd be all over an iPhone like white on rice...

Brian said...

I've had the same color phone for four years now. Every now and then I get the idea that I should get a new one, but I'm hesitant to do so. New ones seem to break really easily now and it's rare to find people who have had their phone longer than a year.

I really like my phone, and it can do just about everything I need a mobile phone to do. Such as calling people. That should be the most important factor in getting a phone, really. I don't need to be entertained everywhere I go, every second of the day, so I can live without one. And iphones are good at that.

So I guess my advice is, if your phone breaks, then you might consider getting one. But if it's still going strong, why waste money upgrading?