Today's favorite Monday = favorite summertime activity. Unfortunately for me my past 4 summers have been spent in school. Well, usually spring term is just work and summer term is school. This year I'm doing school both spring and summer terms. That is not my favorite summer activity though. I love the smell of sunscreen and chlorine. I love getting wet in the pool. However, I hate getting sunburned, but I love all the fun one can have in the sun. I enjoy hiking and bbq-ing yummy foods. Most of all I love all the fun holidays that happen in the summer time that = good food, fun parades, and fireworks!! YAY! Someday soon I won't have to do school work during the summertime. I might have to work, but I won't have papers and tests. That will be the day! :-D Also...stay tuned for all the awesomeness you could ever imagine in the next post! It is going to rock your socks off!!!!!!!
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