Sunday, September 28, 2008
Lunch Time
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sweet Saturday

Friday, September 26, 2008
Guess what?! It's Friday!
2. Sometimes I just like to curl up in a ball and sleep.
3. Once upon a time I thought I would never teach a university class, but now I am... and that's why there is a saying, "never say never"!
4. When I'm down, I eat a lot of junk food and sit in a corner and cry.
5. In the dance studio is where you'll find me most often.
6. A rainy day is good for sitting in front of a fireplace with a good book in the arms of your significant other.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to relaxing with SwingKid, tomorrow my plans include homework, the Relief Society broadcast, and swing dancing and Sunday, I want to enjoy the Sabbath!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
1. I am not taking any ballet classes this year. This is the first time that I haven't been enrolled in some ballet class since I was 5 years old. That's a long time folks. Not gonna lie, it's been kind of nice not having ballet lately. Modern is enough for me!
2. I am scared stiff to fly home for Christmas. It scares me that I have to get on a plane and have luggage and all that stuff. You know what would make it better? This beautiful luggage set. ;)
3. I can eat a lot. Seriously, if I am hungry, I can hold my own when it comes to eating lots of good food.
4. I don't drink milk. It makes me sick. I like it in things, but I cannot just drink a glass of milk. ewww.
5. I like photo shoots. A lot. I think they are fun. I enjoy putting my face in front of a camera. :-)
6. I have a think for shopping for shoes. I love shoe shopping. I love buying new shoes and I love wearing those new shoes with a cute (preferably new) outfit! Yay for cute new shoes.
Now...I tag any of you who read this and feel inspired to blog more about you and not just what you do. :-) Ready....Set....GO!!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy Blurker Amnesty Day!!
Isn't Tib just brilliant? I know I requested many moons ago to hear from all my blurkers back on my birthday, but with this wonderful invention of this holiday, I'm going to ask again. I want to hear from YOU!!! I love all people who read my blog, and want to meet you! So, help me in celebrating this great holiday!!! :-)I hereby proclaim that September 22nd, 2008 shall be Blurker Amnesty Day. You are probably saying to yourself - "Self, what is Blurker Amnesty Day?" Well this is the day that all blurkers can (and hopefully will) comment and make their presence known without penalty. You may even be saying to yourself - "Self, what is a blurker?" To answer you again, oh inquisitive one - a blurker is a blog lurker. Someone who reads a blog but never posts any comments.
So my unobtrusive friend - I am calling you out. In exchange for your comment, you have my solemn promise that I will not stalk you or request a comment from you in the future. Amnesty.
In case you are saying to yourself - "Self, how do I comment on a blog?" Well, I can answer that as well. Simply click on the area that says X # of people had something to say. You will see a comment box pop up. If you are signed into blogger then you can type your comment and click submit. If you don't have a google account then type your comment and make sure to include your name and perhaps your location (so I know who you are) and select anonymous. Then click submit. It is just that easy!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
a lovely evening
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday Tradition
2. Where in the heck did the awesome Saturday morning cartoons go?
3. Reading for my classes is all I managed to do.
4. Prospects for music for my senior project are coming out of the woodwork. YAY!
5. Good tidings of great joy is the message.
6. Simplicity and tranquility are things I long to achieve each day.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to who knows what, tomorrow my plans include World of Dance and Sunday, I want to practice the piano!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
What is this feeling so sudden and [not] new?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Crazy Monday
Lucky for me, I know how to get ready fast. Change from pajamas to school clothes 1 minute. Brush hair, 1 minute. Put in contacts, 2 minutes-ish. Grab flip-flops, bags, and bagel run out the door. I think I left somewhere between 7:25 and 7:30. I got to campus and got THE BEST SPOT EVER! I then got myself a Jamba Juice and read all my reading for my 2 classes today before my first class started, because I'm awesome like that.
Hope your Monday has been calmer than mine!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008
2 polls...enough said.
AP Top 25 Poll
1. USC2. Oklahoma
3. Georgia
4. Florida
5. Missouri
6. LSU
7. Texas
8. Wisconsin
9. Alabama
10. Auburn
11. Texas Tech
12. South Florida
13. Ohio State
14. Brigham Young
15. East Carolina
16. Penn State
17. Oregon
18. Wake Forest
19. Kansas
20. Utah
21. West Virginia
22. Illinois
23. Clemson
24. Florida State
25. Fresno State
USA Today Poll
1. USC2. Oklahoma
3. Georgia
4. Florida
5. Missouri
6. lSU
7. Texas
8. Wisconsin
9. Auburn
10. Texas Tech
11. Brigham Young
12. Oregon
13. Alabama
14. Ohio State
15. Penn State
16. South Florida
17. East Carolina
18. Wake Forest
19. Kansas
20. Utah
21. Clemson
22. West Virginia
23. Illinois
24. Arizona State
25. Florida State
Friday, September 12, 2008
Ballet is cool
okay, i hear it all the time ", swan lake right?" and while technically that is right, ballet can also rock out to Numa Numa. ;) This video is fun. The idea is cute, her technique is not perfect, but it looks like fun!!! ENJOY!!!

Freaking Friday
2. Choreography is something I wonder about often lately.
3. In your heart, you knew it would always be me.
4. Take a little bit of this, add a little bit of that and you end up with all that jazz.
5. Life has gifted me with a knowledge of truth.
6. Hawaii is an instant vacation.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to researching music, children and dance, and enjoying time with my roommates, tomorrow my plans include BYU vs UCLA (go cougars!), laundry, cleaning my g-pa's house and Sunday, I want to have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Pictures of ME!!!
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s mosaic maker.
d. copy the mosaic image (right click, save image as) to your computer.

1. What is your first name? Alishka
2. What is your favorite food? Chicken Cordon Bleu
3. What high school did you go to? Payson High
4. What is your favorite color? Yellow
5. Who is your celebrity crush? Patrick Dempsey
6. Favorite drink? Mango Lemonade
7. Dream vacation? Mediterranean Cruise
8. Favorite dessert? Cheesecake
9. What you want to be when you grow up? a choreographer
10. What do you love most in life? life itself
11. One Word to describe you? Optimistic
12. Your flickr name? all_cuteness
1. beautiful liar 2. chicken cordon bleu 3. Payson v MV 4. Autumn walk 5. Patrick Dempsey in Dolce e Cabbana 6. Mango ice with konjac
7. Portofino a village of rare beauty 8. chocolate chip cheesecake with raspberries 9. ballet abstract movment 10. Perspective Matters
11. color my community 12. here comes superpanna!

Saturday, September 06, 2008
Leggo my Eggo!!
So...back in the day I saw these commercials on TV and though, "Hey, those look pretty good!" However, my mother would never buy me Eggo waffles so I never got the chance to truly try them and see if they were as amazing as they seemed to be on TV. family moved. When they moved, I inherited much food from both my parent's and my grandpa's fridges and freezers. In one of those freezers (grandpa's) were strawberry flavored Eggo waffles. I was SUPER excited to get the chance to try Eggo waffles and see if they really were as amazing as the commercials made them seem.
They weren't. Honestly, it was like eating strawberry cardboard. They weren't fluffy like real waffles. They just weren't any good. Lucky for me, I didn't pay for these Eggo waffles...otherwise I would probably be just a smidgen upset.
My mom must have known what she was doing when she decided to not listen to my pleas. She must have known that those Eggo waffles weren't as good as homemade waffles...and like always, mom was right. :-)

Friday, September 05, 2008
gone, gone, gone
Anywho, the point to this post is that I miss my family, and I can't wait to go to Virginia for Christmas break. :-)
First September Friday....
1. If I was to walk into your life, you would learn how to dance pretty quickly.
2. Catch a bright star and place it in your pocket.
3. And you can send me to Paris, because that would rock.
4. Life is great, but I'm dealing with a memory that never forgets.
5. I'm the innocent bystander / Somehow I got stuck waiting for things to happen.
6. What's keeping us apart isn't selfishness, it's time.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to something relaxing, tomorrow my plans include carpet cleaning, BYU Football, and auditions for Swing Kids and Sunday, I want to enjoy Regional Conference and do some service at a rest home!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008
My favorite part of my day today has been hanging out with my new roommates (a post coming soon, I promise) and then going to visit SwingKid and watching I Am Legend with him, his brother, and parents. Even thought I have seen this movie before, I still jumped, got nervous with anticipation and hid my head into SwingKid's chest...not that he minded, I'm sure. After the movie ended SwingKid's Mom, SwingKid, and I all had a nice little conversation and then enjoyed a rap movie based off the book Breaking Dawn. Now, I warn you, there are spoilers in this rap video, so please don't watch it if you don't want the entire book spoiled for you. Enjoy y'all!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Since I've been gone...
Today was my last FIRST day of school. In other words, for this school year, today was the first day of school. Since I graduate in April, (HURRAH!!!) today was my LAST first day, and man alive am I excited about that! Things that happened today:
- I woke up and made muffins. they were yummy, and i left some for my roommates. They now love me. ;)
- I went to my total of 3 classes. It was awesome. I am super excited.
- I taught my first BYU ballet class. Granted, we just went over the syllabus and got to know each other just a little bit...but still!!! It was awesome!
- I looked ridiculously adorable. I love new school clothes oh so much!
- I taught my advanced class in Springville. It went well, I was mean today, but that's all good. They needed it.