Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursdays are my fave...

I LOVE Thursdays. Seriously. I especially love Thursdays when I don't work on Friday because THEN it turns into Frusday! (Friday+Thursday)

anywho. Because it's Thursday that can only mean one thing around here in Alishka Babushka land.....

  • first off, it's the 4th of July weekend! Wahoo! Fireworks! Barbecues! Friends! Picnics! YAY!!!! 
  • I have a 4-day weekend! Since it's my Friday off and I have Monday off for the holiday....I can party! almost!
  • I have rehearsal almost every night these days. The next two weeks there are a couple of days where I don't have rehearsal, but mostly it's every night. I don't mind, I'm having a blast!
  • I'm making new friends with the cast of AIDA. The people in the cast are all so nice. It's a grand ol' time!
  • I might have a date with Grizzly Bear tomorrow night. If, and only if, he gets his act together and calls me up to ask me out like I told him he should. We'll see how that goes down. IF it goes down.
  • I got tickets to the Stadium of Fire from a I called up Percy to see if he wanted to go with me.
  • He said YES!
  • I am really excited about the Stadium of Fire for three reasons.
    • Reason #1 - Brad Paisley. I hear he's amazing in concert.
    • Reason #2 - my friend Sweetums (remember him?!) is in a band that is in the FINAL 3 for the talent search competition being featured in this year's Stadium of Fire!
    • Reason #3 - Percy is my date! And we get to watch fireworks! It's going to be sooooo romantic! ;)
  • I haven't really had a "romantic" evening date with Percy as of yet. I'm excited to spend more time with him...not during lunch. ha ha ha.
  • I have a BBQ with Truit + husband. I'm stoked for that! It's going to be a blast! I love her AND her husband!
  • My boss took me to lunch today. We went to a Thai restaurant. I love, love, love Thai food SO MUCH.
  • I ate dinner with a former roommate yesterday. She's the best. I love her a lot and I am so glad that we got to sit and chat.
  • We then took advantage of the semi-annual sale at Bath and Body Works. I got a new scent that I'm excited to wear on a regular basis. :o)
I think that's about it. I'm pretty happy today. :o) I'm really looking forward to the long weekend. It will be nice to have some time off. :o)