Monday, May 18, 2009


i'm working a lot this week. a lot. :-) so you may or may not hear from me most of this week, it sort of depends on what happens this week.

let's recap the weekend shall we?

Friday was FABULOUS. SwingKid and I made dinner and then made our way up to the movie theater. We had wonderful seats for Star Trek. and man oh man, that movie was INCREDIBLE!!!! I loved it SO much. Never mind that i got home late friday was SO worth it.

I woke up Saturday after only getting 5 hours of sleep and then spent 9 hours at the studio doing pictures and running rehearsal. I came home and was pretty much a walking zombie. I ran to the grocery store, picked up the essentials (including some much deserved ice cream :o)) and Last Chance Harvey and went to my room to relax and chill. The movie was fabulous, the ice cream perfect, and I was in bed and asleep shortly after 10pm.

Sunday was sunny and beautiful, especially after about 10 hours of sleep. :o) Church was fabulous and I spent part of my afternoon cooking some food so I don't have to cook later this week. I also spent some time outside reading my latest book and followed all of that with dinner with SwingKid's family. So much fun. I played tag w/his 6-year old nephew (i hadn't played tag in AGES) and also held his 3-month old niece for part of the evening. It was a very pleasant evening and I greatly enjoyed myself. We went to his ward prayer where I met his Bishop (who was EXTREMELY eager to meet me, come to find out SwingKid has told him lots about me. i did not know this prior to meeting his bishop...) and then we watched the season finales for Castle and Big Bang Theory, two of our favorite shows.

so...there you go. Work has been pretty eventful today, which has kept things busy, and that's always nice.