Saturday, December 27, 2008

Virginia is for lovers

or really, i love Virginia. at least, I love it right now. Today the high has been 72+ degrees. My mom, Sister B and I all went to Staunton to go shopping in the Historic Downtown area. SOOOO much fun! It was really quaint and I really enjoyed walking along all sorts of streets. Plus, the weather was GORGEOUS. it was a little windy at times, but overall the weather was simply fantastic and I loved it.  It was a great day to go shopping in such a place.

this was a really cute little courtyard thing next to the shakespeare theater. my mom and i both thought it would be a great place to take pictures. :-)

we loved this. 

this was a really cool bank. seriously awesome architecture.

a lot of the buildings had this sign . it was awesome!

this is the ORIGINAL train depot. it was really, really cool.