Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday in Virginia

Happy Boxing Day all y'all! Here's the friday fill-in from Virginia. It's the last Friday fill-in you'll get from Virginia for a long while yet. :P

1. I must (well, want) to travel the world before I die.

2. You can't stop the music, or the dancing. Not in my living room you can't!.

3. I wish I never had to buy toilet paper again. seriously. toilet paper is just one of those things that i wish you didn't have to keep buying every __ weeks. blah.

4. There are so many things that have helped me change my life. It's hard to choose just one.

5. I know the song twinkle, twinkle little star by heart. ha ha ha. that's the first song that came to my head. funny no? I'm sure I know other songs...but that was first so I put it up. he he he.

6. If I weren't so afraid, I would go skydiving in an instant.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the YSA party here in Virginia. Even though I don't know friends!!, tomorrow my plans include making a purse (i think) and Sunday, I want to enjoy my last Sunday in Virginia!

The countdown is on folks. I leave Virginia in 5 days. Which means I only have the rest of today, tomorrow, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to spend with my family before I get on a plane. However, this means I only have that many days until I see SwingKid again. He won more brownie points last night. I texted him goodnight (we talked earlier in the day) and what does he do in response? Calls me. We only talked for a few minutes, mostly because he was at work and I was sleepy, but the fact still stands that he CALLED ME BACK. He's so sweet. I can't wait to run into his arms in the airport. Airport scenes are always the best in romantic movies.  Sort of like this one! sigh. I can't wait.