Saturday, October 29, 2005
date night...
Friday, October 28, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
today while the sun shines
Saturday, October 22, 2005
*sigh of contentment*
Friday, October 21, 2005
home sweet home
woke up ON TIME this morning, and actually got to do my hair. ballet we had midterms and today we get to watch the video of the midterms, so its exciting cause i don't have to dress for ballet today, so my hair can be down. which is a rare occasion. so hurray for that! :D
i am taking the siblings to see Valiant tonight in the dollar theater. i don't know if its going to be any good, or if it will just be cheesy, but it will be fun to treat the kids to a movie. my parents are having a blast in colorado, or so i am told, and they went and visited G&G in New Mexico...which i think is cool. Life is just good right now, I am loving every minute of it. :D
I have noticed a trend in my blogging. It always (well not always...but usually...) happens in the 9 o'clock hour, i think that this just must be the down hour at work. not always, but sometimes. It's Friday, 3/4 of the full time employees are traveling at different conferences and such, and so things are just quiet! but i love it. its been a good week. i must go type up something for a class, so i will leave you with this thought: If he had a mind, there was something on it. P.G. Wodehouse
Thursday, October 20, 2005
sleep is overrated, especially when it comes to boys...
Monday, October 17, 2005
So i really didn't need those 3.5 hours of sleep....
Yeah right....I really did. But I didn't get them. I was going to go to bed at 10. But then I ended up staying up until 1:30 in the morning. Why you might ask??? Let me tell you why, but let us start with Friday...and my date with my frenchie friend....
Date Friday Night:
Okay, so frenchie comes and picks me up Friday night, and he looks good! We go to the spectacular, and he comments on how grown up I am. Ha ha ha....and we sit in our seats. They were in
So Saturday...My friend's wedding. I actually woke up to my alarm, made muffins for me and my roommates, and then got to the dance studio early and worked on my student choreography pas de deux that I am doing in February. It was good stuff. Class was wicked fun, and I had a blast. :) Then I went home and got ready for this wedding that I was a bridesmaid for. My skirt that my mom made was AWESOME!!! I love it, and will definitely wear it again! :) So I am at this wedding and I go to
I wake up an hour later then I intended, and missed choir, oh well. So then I go to my friend's farewell and Elder D is going to be amazing. I am so excited for him. He is off to the Rome
So let me give a back story on J.A. that my roommie Truit told me later that night. My calling is Aesthetics chair person in Relief Society. So I bring the table cloth and centerpiece every week, well since I was going to be gone I asked Truit to take it for me. So she did, well J.A. noticed that she was carrying them instead of me, and asked isn't Alishka here today? And Truit said no, she's at home at a farewell, she'll be home later tonight. and J.A. says, well I missed sitting next to you guys and her saving me a seat in church (I had saved him a seat last week, but that has been the only time!!) so that was neat-o to hear. So then Truit said, well I haven't seen you in a while you need to come visit us. So he does. And when I get home J.A. was still there. Totally made my night!!!
So then I am sitting next to him on the couch and I decide to scratch his back, we end up sitting RIGHT next to each other. And life was good. He leaned into me, and I was kinda holding him, which I was totally okay with. :) Well then we play this game called WHAT IF??? and its where you write a what if question and then put it in the center, then you draw one that you didn't write, and isn't about you, and then you answer that question, and then you swap questions and read off the question and the person next to you reads there answer. So we get going, and things are going good. Well, at one point everyone decides to pick on J.A. so there are 3 questions, one about what if J.A. asked me out?, and then 2 that were like this: What if J.A. tried Alishka's lip gloss? Well....we ended on that note, and it was kind a funny. Twin roommate went to bed, and at this point it is about 11:45. We talk, and then Truit's BF starts tickling her and J.A. joins in, I try to hold them back, but neither of them are ticklish so that didn't work ,then they started on me, and J.A. held me down while Truit's BF tickled me. Then the pumpkin hour was at hand and they had to leave we gave hugs (and Truit gave kisses) and J.A. said good night and was really was entertaining.
So now I don't know where we stand, I think he got the hint that he needs to ask me out, but I’m not sure. So we'll just have to see. If not, my roommate B and I might do a double date and carve pumpkins and I think I would ask him, but I really want him to ask me out. :) That would be good.
Okay I have ignored work for too long, I am back to work...if I can just stop thinking about him.......yeah right. :)
Friday, October 14, 2005
Bonjour le vieil ami !

Monday, October 10, 2005
"Laughter is the best medicine." (Enlish Proverb)
anyway, moving on. so cute boy in dance class, lets call him dance boy, well i asked to him to be my testing partner for foxtrot today. i knew that he was already dancing with someone else, and i thought he had asked them to be his partner, unbeknowest to me, they had actually asked him!!! He (again unbeknowest unto me until right before class) wanted me to be his test partner!! It was great! I really like him, he is on the byu diving team, and is super cute. when i wear heels, he is just barely taller than me, which is perfect. :) so yeah, we had exchanged numbers in case we needed to practice last week, i never called him, but still, he has my number! so maybe.....sometime he will me. :) cause that would be pretty swell. that is all. i am done. moving on. time to study. see ya.

Thursday, October 06, 2005
How come we don't always know when love begins, but we always know when it ends? ~ L. A. Story

This is so.....true. Is it not? Well it is. anyways i called j.a. last night. :D he's going to call me today and get email address info for me to get conference pictures, and then he's not quite sure if he can go on saturday or not. it kind of just depends on his schedule. so he's going to call me. :D guess what made my day yesterday? the fact that i saw him!!! as i was walking to ballet class i practically ran into him, it was awesome, and put me on this great high. :D anywho....uh....Dr.Teeth stopped by with music last night for our pas de deux that we are performing in february. i am very daunted by this task of doing the choreography. it will be interesting. i need to check out some movies of pas de deuxs to watch. sight. k i am done. that is it for now.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
tuesday woes

i have decided that i hate my anatomy class. yeah pretty much that's it. i didn't do very well on my anatomy test, and that is mainly my own fault. i need to better, and i think i will. i also have this strange sensation to have a boy friend. Truit (my roomie K) said that's okay as long as its J.A. who needs a nym. i'll come up w/something. we are calling j.a. to go to a wedding reception for Boy that i like 8 months ago. weird that he is now getting married. i am listening to music from tonga, i should pay attention. i am done now. this picture just makes me happy. which is why it is up. enjoy.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Conference Weekend High

Wow. What a weekend. I feel like the luckiest girl ever. So my friend J.A. called me Saturday night as I was partying with the girls and asked me if I had plans for conference, well my only plans were to watch it in my apartment, so I said 'No.'
He then proceeded to ask me if I would like to go up to Temple Square with him, 'cause his mom was in town and she wanted to go again (they had gone on stand-by on Saturday). So I said sure, why not. I then woke up at 5:30 in the morning on Sunday and went to conference. For the morning session we sat where the blue dot is. For the afternoon session we sat where the red dot is. How amazing is that?! I had awesome seats and totally lvoed the spirit that was felt while there, I want to go in April too, cause that would just be so spiffy!! On a side note J.A. is a cutie, and his mom is awesome. I can tell where J.A. become such an awesome person, 'cuase she was just so cute, nice, and amazing. I am thinking that I might ask J.A. out. Only b/c I want to of course. He wore a hot pink tie on Sunday, LOVED IT! And he's just a cutie and i scratched his back during conference. Which was interesting, especially 'cause his mom was there. but i did it anyways. so now i just have to decide if i should ask him out or what. :D we'll see, and i'll see if a i can't keep you updated. hurrah for conference.