So...the surgery went well.
My gown was actually pretty covering AND guess how cool it was? It had this place for a tube to insert into my gown to keep me warm or cool or whatever I needed at the time. :o) THAT was one of the best parts.
I don't even remember them putting me under. That was good. the first iv did hit a nerve and that wasn't fun at all, but the second iv went in great and was pretty fabulous. I guess I went under about 7:20 and was out of surgery at about 8:40 or so, but because I was so tired and because they gave me some Benadryl for my cold I slept until 10 am or so. When I came out of it, I couldn't believe how sunny it was! (it was SO SO SO dark yesterday morning.) I wasn't feeling anything on the top of the knee thanks to the fabulous femoral nerve block they gave me. I did however feel pain in my hamstring on the back of the knee. They gave me some morhpine and then they took me back to post-op and then SwingKid appeared. How i love that boy. sigh.
my nurse was a very nice, funny man. I don't remember his name. I want to say George. But I'm not sure. Let's pretend his name is George. George was nice. He gave me more drugs and at one point he asked how I was feeling and I told him I was feeling very woozy. Woozy was my favorite word. I think it's because it was fun to say. Woozy. just let it roll off your tongue.... he he he
Then George made me get up (after me getting some cookies and apple juice. followed by cranberry juice. yummy) I didn't want to get up, but at the same time i had to pee so Truit followed me with the wheelchair in case i fell over, George held a belt around my waist, and SwingKid was on my left cheering me on carrying something and I was on crutches. It was like a little entourage. I made it to the bathroom and back again but at that point i was SO SO tired. I slept for a little bit and I think SwingKid studied. But then George the murse (man-nurse) made me get up and walk a lot more. THAT was not happy. In fact I'm pretty sure I told him No way. Ha, but he was full of good humor and put up with me. We walked a much further distance where I used another bathroom w/the aide of Truit (i love that girl SO SO much) and then back again. Then I got to put real clothes on (definitely an adventure) and eventually i got to be released and then they put me in a wheelchair and i got to go on a little ride to the car and then it was off to Costco to get drugs. I did throw up once in the parking lot of Costco (sorry costco people) and after drugs were procured we drove to my apartment. And Let me tell you, getting up the 18 stairs to my apartment was an extreme adventure. I would hop up them on one foot heavily leaning on both banisters. I would hop 3 or so, stop and breathe and then hop up some more steps. It was quite the adventure. :o)
Yesterday i slept a TON and read a little. Lots of sleeping. I eventually went to bed and slept all night, waking up every 4 hours to take happy drugs. They make sleep nicely, although i've done a pretty good job of ignoring the tired part of them here during the day. or something.
anywho....i'm pretty sure my favorite part of this whole thing is the fact that 1) everyone wants to take care of me and i get a TON of attention. 2) FLOWERS! My family sent me pretty flowers. a TON of gerbera daisies. I love them they make me happy. 3) yesterday, my favorite thing was the morphine they gave me. That was super happy.
And now! pictures of my awesome knee.
This is my torn ACL. I'm not sure what angle this is at exactly, but all I know is that the doctor said this was torn completely through. FUN!
I'm pretty sure this is the torn meniscus? or it's the torn ACL? I'm really not positive. lol
This is my new ACL!! Yay!! I'm hoping it works better than the new one.
So, if you're still reading this, then you're a trooper. It's been quite the long post. I hope you have enjoyed my recap of "Knee Day." I can't think of anything else to say and I'm sure I've said way too much already. ;) Anyways. If you have any questions, pop them into the comments and I'll answer them when I feel like it. Because I can. Catch y'all later!!