Thursday, June 21, 2007

a burning sensation

in my eyes. no joke. i was up really late last night with one of my bestest friends from HS, we'll call her sister missionary b/c she just got her call to seattle, WA spanish speaking!! I'm so excited for her! anyways, so sister missionary and friends and i all went country dancing last night. SO much fun...minus the fact that i didn't get to bed until 1am this was a BLAST!

but now...i'm living with the consequences. my eyes hurt (and have hurt all day long.) i knew this would be the case, so i wore my glasses instead of my contacts, but still. they hurt. and i am so so soooo tired, it's not even funny. in fact my plan for this evening: go home, eat dinner, read a book and go to bed. even though i would love to hang with my boy, i'm not up for it. unless he calls me. which i don't think he will. he's been super busy and his roommate leaves tomorrow and who knows when they'll see each other again. but yeah...bed. sleep. nap. it all sounds so good to me right now.


eleka nahmen said...

Ahhhh, Seattle..she's a fortunate one indeed.