Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday Things

It has been one insanely crazy day at the office, but I just wanted to leave you with a few things before taking off for the weekend. (you'll probably still see my outfit post for tomorrow, but that's about it!)

  • Soldier Boy called me last night. It was another 2ish hour conversation. I'm a fan of him.
  • Work is crazy.
  • changes are coming to my job at work - I get to start helping out and collaborating on everything social media for my company. Facebook, Twitter, Blogging (!) - I'm REALLY excited about it.
  • I was on the phone a lot at work today - it was ringing off the hook
  • During my (later than normal) lunch break, Solider Boy texted me with this remark: :) 6 hours!!! 
  • To say I was giddy about seeing that text was an understatement.
  • I've been counting down for the past day.
  • Things that are happening this weekend include: dancing the night away with a really cute boy, getting a good night kiss, shoe shopping (desparately needing new black flats), and dress shopping.
  • Also, I think we're going to the some hot springs somewhere local. We'll see if that goes down.
  • Dress rehearsal at the studio is happening on Saturday. Joy. :P
  • ZUMBA! Saturday morning! If you want details on the FREE class that my 2nd counselor is offering, let me know. ALL are welcome! (unless you're a creepy stalker. then probably not.)
Sounds fun, right? I'm just excited to get to spend more time with Soldier Boy. Our phone conversations in the past couple of nights have been FANTASTIC and I know that this weekend is going to bring good things. :o) catch ya on the flip side!