Monday, November 24, 2008

Fatherly Advice

I love Google chat. It's a life saver for more than one reason. One of those reasons is that it allows to me to talk to my father who is 2,000+ miles away. While it can be hard to get things across when chatting online, my dad and I do an okay job of communicating.

After everything that happened with SwingKid last night, I've been kind of lost and confused.

Well, lucky for me, my daddy was online and we were able to chat for a good hour or so about the situation, my thoughts, my plan of action and all of that good stuff.

He gave me a quote from Wayne Dyer: "All of these things are on their way, they will arrive on time, and they will arrive in ways and in quantities greater than I have ever imagined."

("things" refers to the desires of our hearts and are always mentioned in relationship with the statement "for the good of all concerned")

I believe that statement. I am acting on my faith that the Lord knows best. He's told me that I get to make my own decisions and that I won't be led away while making those decisions. I know that this is true. I know that everything with SwingKid will work out. I definitely feel that he and I are not "finished" yet and that he and I will probably have a conversation someday about "us" and what he's figured out since we've broken up. I can't get back together with him if he hasn't really resolved his issues that caused us to break up. the meantime, I'm going to enjoy life. I'm going to live like I've never lived before. I'm also going to enjoy my haircut tomorrow and look forward to dyeing my hair on Saturday. :-)


Brian said...

Yes! Good for you! Hurray for daddies!