however, this year, due to the recent move of my family to Virginia, i am having Thanksgiving with family friends. My first non-family Thanksgiving! It's going to be an interesting experience...but I plan on enjoying it as much as possible. And now I want to share with all y'all 100 things I am thankful for, and I hope you take time today to ponder on all the things YOU are thankful for! Happy Turkey day!
- The Gospel
- The atonement
- Temples
- My family
- My friends
- My roommates
- Roommate A
- the EQP
- home teachers
- visiting teachers
- candles
- shampoo and conditioner
- lotion
- body spray
- my car
- flowers
- self-confidence
- a new hair cut
- dreams
- SwingKid
- CPM and Papa Funk
- all of my guy friends that go on dates with me
- swing dancing
- ballet
- being able to walk
- being able to DANCE!!
- Being able to teach
- my secretary job
- the opportunity to teach at BYU
- the opportunity to go to BYU
- the fact that I'm almost done at BYU
- my professors
- the dance department secretary
- my coworkers
- computers
- the internet
- Google Chat
- cell phones
- the fact that gas prices have gone down. A lot.
- my mp3 player
- music
- inspiration
- priesthood blessings
- super glue
- glitter
- rainbows
- rain
- sunshine
- shoes
- socks
- gloves
- scarves
- facebook (hey...i keep in touch with friends okay?)
- scissors
- paper
- fingers
- pictures
- Christmas decorations
- chips and dip
- pumpkin pie!
- ballet students
- numbers
- being able to communicate
- the scriptures
- the Ensign
- General Conference
- ex-boyfriends who have taught me much
- kisses
- HUGS!!
- movies
- being able to learn
- being able to teach
- being able to love
- knowledge
- grass
- trees
- marriage
- children
- light
- darkness
- opposition
- Chocolate!!
- Ice cream
- Caramel
- Jello
- Cranberry sauce
- emails
- people who are grateful
- missionaries
- missionary letters
- BYU football
- dance concerts
- my body
- eyes that work
- men that dress well
- bikes
- flip flops
- people who know everything and share such knowledge
- That today, I am ALIVE and WELL!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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