Monday, February 26, 2007
life is better
well...let me tell you.
friday: went on a 'date' with one of the girls from Ballet Showcase to Pointe Counterpointe, by Academy of Ballet, which happens to be the studio that I trained at. This was the first time in 6 years that I didn't perform in this show. It was weird being an audience member, but it was a good show and I enjoyed it a lot. My little sister was in it, and she was awesome. Plus my date was cute. :)
Saturday I had rehearsal, a Mary Kay facial (i ended up buying some of their product, and my skin feels soooo soft!), and a date with JK a RM from HS. It was fun, and we went and saw Bridge to Terabithia which was an amazing movie, and very true to the book. JK is a great kid, and I'm glad we're still friends, but it was kinda weird, and he's like 4" shorter than me, when I'm in flats. Yeah, that's not going anywhere...
Later that evening and also on Sunday evening I talked to CSR. On saturday evening/afternoon (i don't remember when we had many conversations via gmail chat) he asked me what my countdown was for (b/c i have a countdown on gmail chat...) and well...its for my birthday i tell him. then he asks me what i want, and i want a date :) b/c i'm a fan of dates for my birthday. unfortunately he has class from 7-10 the night of my birthday, but he's going to take me out either the thurs. or fri. after. how cute is that? i'm very excited at the prospect. so he's back in the running, not that he ever left the running, but i'm definitely not as frustrated with him as I was before.
so yesterday, was mighty mouse's homecoming. I saw soooooo many people from high school it was crazy. reunions are like that. :) it was good to see mighty mouse, he's doing so good, and he took down everyone's numbers so hopefully he keeps in touch and what not and we hang out someday in the future, he's a cool kid and i enjoy his friendship. i got one comment the entire day over and over again, and that was about how i am a great missionary letter writer ( because let's face it, I am! i write everyone and try to do it regularly as well! ;) ) so yeah, that felt good to know that people appreciated the letters i would write to them. so yeah. anywho...i think that's all the updates i have for now. i best be back to work. ;)

Thursday, February 22, 2007
I am so frustrated right now. I really shouldn't be. CSR is an awesome guy, he really is. but you don't know the updates since the 12th....(I got distracted by valentine's day...) anyways, he called me the 12th and we talked and decided to slow way down and not worry about the physical aspect so that we could continue building our friendship first, because we both feel that it is important to be friends first. So yeah, we planned for a date for the following Friday (the 16th).
well the date went really well, he was very nice, a perfect gentleman, I got to know him a little bit better, oh and last Sunday when we were playing games, I asked him about a settlers of catan and if he liked to play it, and he said he did, and then I told him that my mom had challenged him to play said game and said okay and we let the subject drop. Well, Friday night when we were playing games he turned to me and said, "I'm ready to take on your mom at settlers of catan." so we went down to my house Sunday night to eat dinner and play settlers of catan and it was all his idea!! He got along great with my family and he's still talking to me even after they teased us both the entire evening. He even flirted with me in front of the fam; put his arm around me and what not.
well....that's about it. well, I did see him last night at the dance lab, and we danced a number of dances together, not all of them that’s for sure, but a good number. but I feel like yesterday he played a mind game with me. I know he's super busy with his new job, 17.5 credit hours, and the stress that is his major, but I wish he would just decide if he wants to continue this relationship or not. I'm not going to worry about it, but I care about him and want him to be happy whether that means dating me or not. I'm giving him two weeks where I will let him do whatever with my heart, and then after my birthday he's done. I can't wait forever, but he's worth giving him the time he needs to decide what he can or can't handle. I don't know if any of this makes sense, but pretty much I'm not going to worry my pretty head over him, I'm just going to be myself and go out with someone else Saturday...oh you should prolly hear about that. well....JK my friend from HS called me up Sunday night, he's been home from the mish since Sept. and felt bad that he hadn't contacted me at all, so yeah, he called and we're going out sometime Saturday which should be a lot of fun.
oh and mighty mouse came home from his mish yesterday and his homecoming is on Sunday, and I'm going to go to that. It’s so crazy that all my friends are coming home. :) I like it. Ciao!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
not today george! today is going to be a normal day for alishka! I'm going to dance, workout, and get so much homework done i won't know what to do with myself. :) I'm wearing red today because it's a power color, and only partially b/c it's V-Day. I am in love with life, and I'm okay with that. :) So everyone...enjoy today, the middle of February, this day of love. ciao.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
let's start at the beginning. I met CSR (that is his 'nym....) at work. He was a computer support guy for the College of Humanities, and I worked for Linguistics which is in the College of Humanities. So...he would occasionally be one to help us with our computer problems, and sometimes he would come in just to get tootsie rolls from my jar and say hello. Well, at the beginning of Winter Semester, he started coming by a little more frequently, which I was okay with, because he is a really cute guy, and a very nice guy as well.
Well, on Thursday (the 8th) he came in for his 'breakfast' of tootsie rolls and to tell us that he had donuts for me and Phyllis because tomorrow (Friday the 9th) was his last day at work. We were sad by this, but excited because he has found a job in D* that is better suited with his major. Well, I walk with him to his office to get some donuts, and in doing so I trip (classic Alishka move) and make fun of it by saying "you'd think as a dance major I'd be more graceful, but no...." well he was surprised to hear i danced, and come to find out he has taken Social Dance 380 multiple times, and is enrolled in it now. Go figure. So then I ask if he'll be at the dance lab, he says yes, and I told him I'll see him there.
Friday, I went to get the mail, and shortly after I got back and was putting the mail away, I hear our office door open, and Phyllis talking to the person who had come in, and then she asks me to come in to the office, and lo and behold it is CSR. Crazy huh? Well, he came to give me a hug and say good-bye, oh and to get his tootsie roll for the last time that day. Well, as he's getting his tootsie roll out of the jar, he looks at my name and says, huh, Alishka babushka, so that's how you spell it. Well, I'm going to have to look you up on stalker net. I looked at him, said okay, and then winked. Later that afternoon he emailed me, I didn't get it until later that night, but pretty much he was asking me out for Saturday afternoon/evening whatever. i emailed him back and told him to either email me again, or call me (and i gave him my number) and i would love to do something with him.
Saturday after rehearsal I get home, and check my email and as soon as I get on, CSR starts chatting with me. He tells me that he was just about to call me, we chat for a few minutes, and then my phone starts to ring. So I talked to him for a long time, he gave me many options of things we could do that afternoon/evening, and we made plans to go dancing at the MAC.
well, after an adventure of trying to find somewhere to eat, we eat and then go and catch the last 10-15 minutes of the tango lesson. Tango and West Coast are his favorite dances, and we learned both that night in the lessons they offered. It was a lot of fun and he was very impressed with how quickly I picked up the steps that we were learning. It was a lot of fun. Well, during the end of the Tango Lesson and into the West Coast Lesson, he began to be much more flirty than he had been earlier, and he held my hand. We also did a lot of cuddling. Well during the evening we were talking and he came clean and admitted that he wasn't coming in for the tootsie rolls, but really to see me, and that really he doesn't even like tootsie rolls. i then told him how happy it made me when he would come in, and how cute I thought he was and nice and blah blah blah....well, he was excited to hear i liked him. anywho....then he drove me home. when we got to the parking lot, we talked and he told me I was the best first date he's ever had, but it had moved really fast (i agree, but I liked it) (all this while holding hands.... :D ) and that he really felt it really important to really get to know someone, so that was why he wasn't going to (and I quote) "kiss me passionately, even though I want to." which, if he had tried, I prolly would have let him, but at the same time i respect that he didn't. we went inside and talked for a few minutes (it was almost 12) and then he left.
he has a dinner thing tonight, but after that he's going to call me, and we're going to do something. we shall see what. :) I'm really excited about this, and it feels different than anything else before in my life. so we'll see what happens. as far as Elder B* goes, I don't know. For some reason, I don't care anymore, I'll keep writing him, but I'm definitely going to focus my attention on yeah. ciao.

Friday, February 02, 2007
Happy Groundhog Day!!!
Let's take last year for another example. Mr. Phil DID see his shadow so everyone went on and on about how there was now going to be 6 more weeks of winter. Well, hello people, the first day of spring isn't until March 21st, and guess what? That's in 6 weeks!!!! So no matter what happens with Mr. Phil the expert groundhog, there will be 6 more weeks of winter. Now, that 6 weeks of 'winter' just might be nicer and feel more like spring, but if we're going to be technical, it's still winter. Not spring.
(See this link for hilariousness...
Now to end on a happy note because I hate being so negative, I am excited for spring. I am happy we will have an 'early' spring whatever that means...and I'm ready for green grass to run through barefoot. Care to join me? ;)

Thursday, February 01, 2007
Happy February!!
in other news, i have a date for tomorrow night, with punkzoid (remember him?) we're going to evolutions of dance, i think. which should be a lot of fun.
then on saturday night i finally found a date for cougarettes in concert. i'm going with a very nice young man from my ward. it should be a lot of fun. i'm really super excited.
anyhoo....i'm glad it's thursday. this week has gone by semi-fast. and i am SO ready for the weekend!!