Friday, April 03, 2009

plans change

and that's okay folks.  SwingKid got asked to do an extra shift tonight and with the fact that he just got accepted to the Social Work Masters program (YAY!!!!) the extra money will come in handy. So alas, I spent my night SwingKid free. sigh. and then there's priesthood session tomorrow .... no date night this weekend, but we have date night like all the time so it's all good.

Instead tonight i did what every girl does when her boyfriend ditches her, i did my nails, my laundry and watched a full disk of Veronica Mars season 3. wahoo! 

And now I'm going to bed ridiculously early because we're starting company 30 minutes early tomorrow morning so that we can all get home in time to watch all of general conference. :-) 

G'night y'all!!


Kristina P. said...

That's so exciting! Does he want to be a therapist?

Chillygator said...

Fun fact, my birth mom is a social worker. I sort of like those kinds of people (o:

tiburon said...

Hooray for the Social Work Masters!

Not hooray for no date night :(