poor car: my car has been having issues. i think i killed the battery a few too many times. SwingKid, being the wonderful, marvelous boyfriend that he is picked me up at my apartment (since i have a dead car - no jumping would help. :( ) got my battery out of my car, took me to work, then went to an auto store and got me a new battery. we'll put it in after i get off of work and hopefully that will make it ALL better.
bad back: ever since my accident a week ago, my lower back has been giving me some issues. I'm thinking of seeing a chiropractor. any suggestions for one in the provo area?
early to work: work called me this morning before I got home from my run. the receptionist called in sick, and with one of the other girls out on vacation (Australia, JEALOUS!!!) they asked me to come in early. So...instead of working 12-4 like planned, i'll end up being at work from 10-5. yay extra $$$!!!
amazing boyfriend: first off, see poor car above. Second off, SwingKid sat next to my parents (BY HIMSELF) at graduation on Friday, took many awesome pictures AND went to dinner with me and my parents Saturday night. He did a great job entertaining and talking with them. made me happy. i'm definitely the luckiest duck in the pond these days.
all of these things lead up to the beginnings of a strange week. Being a new graduate, having a new job, and all sorts of other things i thought this week would start off differently. but why would life go the way i want it to? lol....here's to a GREAT (albeit strange) week. :-)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
i did it!!!
i GRADUATED!!! I never really thought the day would come, but it did. I did it! I graduated from Brigham Young University in Dance with a Ballet Emphasis and a Business Minor. I finished with more than a 3.0 GPA. I didn't get my M.R.S. degree....but I'm okay with that. I think SwingKid is too. ;) he he he he. Now life changes....I'm not exactly sure how it will be, but it will be new and different and that's always exciting. Weee!!!!
Graduation Friday
1. Apparently there's some sort of celebration going on around here.
2. i love a sunny day.
3. 2009 has been different than anything i expected so far.
4.i can't believe that was it.
5. For too long I've been waiting for graduation, and now it's here!!
6. I am not obsessed with chocolate; I am not!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to celebrating graduation with family friends and my parents, tomorrow my plans include chillin' with the p-rents and then going out to dinner with them and SwingKid and Sunday, I want to do something...i don't know what yet!
2. i love a sunny day.
3. 2009 has been different than anything i expected so far.
4.i can't believe that was it.
5. For too long I've been waiting for graduation, and now it's here!!
6. I am not obsessed with chocolate; I am not!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to celebrating graduation with family friends and my parents, tomorrow my plans include chillin' with the p-rents and then going out to dinner with them and SwingKid and Sunday, I want to do something...i don't know what yet!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
i promise i haven't disappeared. but with studying for my one final, taking the one final, getting in a car accident, trying to get my car fixed as cheaply as possible and starting a new job, life has been crazy!!!
as far as the accident goes...my fault. i ran into a car. oh well. my car sustained most of the damage. i'm totally fine. my car....will be fine soon. i hope.
I picked up my cap and gown this afternoon. i tried it on...i look like a blueberry. oh well. i'll live. i hope. :o) my parents fly in tomorrow night and we're going to play all weekend! yay!
so yeah....life moves on, and it's crazy. that's all i have to say about it.

Friday, April 17, 2009
Finals Friday
Today is a finals friday. i just don't have a final today. my first, only, and final final of my undergraduate career is tuesday. :o)
2. Put a little skip in your day!
3. Happiness is holding hands while walking under a full moon.
4. sometimes i am shocked and confused.
5. I'm waiting for GRADUATION!!!!!!!!
6. chocolate and ice cream is hard to resist.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dinner and dancing with SwingKid, tomorrow my plans include dress fittings for my dress for graduation and Sunday, I want to enjoy my last day with Roommate R!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
WAHOO!!! (again)
I GOT A JOB!!!! I interviewed at a company in the area for their customer support...and I started this morning. eek! My mind is overflowing with tons of new information and what I do, when I do it, how I do it, all of that. :P It's kind of crazy!
ALSO....(this is not a wahoo...) it is SNOWING right now. HOWEVER, I take comfort in knowing that it's supposed to be back to the 70s by Monday. And graduation is looking very promising in the in the weather department. Just take a look at this 7-day forecast from ksl:

won't it be nice to not see that wretched snowflake anymore?
ALSO....(this is not a wahoo...) it is SNOWING right now. HOWEVER, I take comfort in knowing that it's supposed to be back to the 70s by Monday. And graduation is looking very promising in the in the weather department. Just take a look at this 7-day forecast from ksl:

won't it be nice to not see that wretched snowflake anymore?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I am done my friends. I never have to go to an undergraduate class again! I am so happy about this. I totally got a 100% on my character dance final. It was awesome. Also, I only have ONE final during finals week. So that's happy.
Now to find a job....
Now to find a job....
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Adventures of me
so yesterday was full of adventures. It all began with the normal company class and rehearsal. followed by my own rehearsal (since i'm now performing in June. have i mentioned that i haven't been on pointe in a year and i'm now trying to get myself into shape to do that? yeah...not fun!)
after all that, Roommate R and I went down to Payson to do Sister B's hair along with her 3 friends. It was quite festive, and we managed to get them all done and beautiful before their dates picked them up. SUCCESS!!!
THEN roommate R and I went swing dancing. We were on our way home...when I got pulled over by a cop. for the FIRST time in my life! I guess I didn't quite stop at the stop sign...oops. BUT the police officer was really nice and let me off with just a warning - as long as i stopped twice at the next stop sign. :-) which i did.
Today has been a beautiful Easter Sunday. Sister B goes home tomorrow, I have 3 more classes to attend and 3 finals to deal with (only one of them happens during finals week though. so pretty much life will be a piece of cake as of Tuesday) and my parents will be here in a week and a half. Life is fabulous.
Friday, April 10, 2009
arrr matey
so not to make fun of the situation, because it's not a fun situation...but i had no idea that there were still real pirates in the world. how cool is that? see this article for more info.
Good Friday
Easter Weekend!! mmmm...chocolate. :-)
1. Anonymous...letters are good therapy.
2. April is a month of change for me this year.
3. Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, and then get thee hence.
4. Green grass that I can run through with bare feet is what I look forward to most about Spring.
5. Who needs therapy when you have chocolate?
6. Peeps!! MUST go into the Easter Basket!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the Senior Celebration with SwingKid, tomorrow my plans include dancing for hours, doing 4 girls' hair for Prom and more dancing in the evening and Sunday, I want to eat lots and lots of peeps and chocolate!
1. Anonymous...letters are good therapy.
2. April is a month of change for me this year.
3. Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, and then get thee hence.
4. Green grass that I can run through with bare feet is what I look forward to most about Spring.
5. Who needs therapy when you have chocolate?
6. Peeps!! MUST go into the Easter Basket!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the Senior Celebration with SwingKid, tomorrow my plans include dancing for hours, doing 4 girls' hair for Prom and more dancing in the evening and Sunday, I want to eat lots and lots of peeps and chocolate!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
bad form dude, bad form
i have thought about this letter since 10 am. I finally wrote it, but as of right now I'm not sending it. i wrote it more for me, to make me feel better. so....without further ado, i present my letter to (what i think is) a very unprofessional employer....
Dear Mr. X-
During my interview I informed you of another job that I had, teaching dance. I told you of my plans to keep that job and that it would affect my Friday afternoons. You asked me what hours I could work and you also asked me if I could come in at earlier times during the week to make up for the missed Friday hours. You mentioned that Fridays were slow and that leaving early should not be an issue. I also informed you that I was still a student and while I could start quickly, I would have classes to still attend to and graduation services and you made note of those days and seemed to be okay with those scheduling conflicts.
When you sent me an email offering me the job, I was thrilled at the opportunity to expand my horizons with your company. I replied a few hours later with my positive response and a reminder of my scheduling conflicts. Your accounts payable employee called me and I told her of those conflicts that I had mentioned in the email and told her I would like the job. She asked if I could start the next day. I was surprised at this, and informed her that I would need a few days to wrap things up at my current job, but I could start on Monday. She accepted that.
Imagine my surprise when I opened up my email this morning to find a letter informing that my "scheduling conflicts would not work" and that you had decided to "go with a different candidate." I was shocked and appalled that you would take such action, especially in an email format that wasn't from you, but rather your accounts payable employee. I see this move to be of bad form in your regard since I had informed you of the conflicts prior to the job offer. I hope you realize your error of judgment and will do better to improve upon that the next time you offer a job to a prospective employee.
I am not extremely pleased with the way things were handled and even though I understand your reasoning, I don't feel it fair to me that you would go back on what you said during earlier conversations.
-Alishka Babushka
obviously...this isn't a perfect letter and I tried not to rip him a new one, even though this is all anonymous and he'll never see it...unless i email it to him. thoughts? should i email him? should i just drop it and count my blessings that i don't have to work for a boss who jerks me around like that? I'm still frustrated with him, but have moved on and i'm applying for other jobs in my field. if any of y'all know of places looking for a secretary or receptionist, let a girl know yah? Thanks!!!
Dear Mr. X-
During my interview I informed you of another job that I had, teaching dance. I told you of my plans to keep that job and that it would affect my Friday afternoons. You asked me what hours I could work and you also asked me if I could come in at earlier times during the week to make up for the missed Friday hours. You mentioned that Fridays were slow and that leaving early should not be an issue. I also informed you that I was still a student and while I could start quickly, I would have classes to still attend to and graduation services and you made note of those days and seemed to be okay with those scheduling conflicts.
When you sent me an email offering me the job, I was thrilled at the opportunity to expand my horizons with your company. I replied a few hours later with my positive response and a reminder of my scheduling conflicts. Your accounts payable employee called me and I told her of those conflicts that I had mentioned in the email and told her I would like the job. She asked if I could start the next day. I was surprised at this, and informed her that I would need a few days to wrap things up at my current job, but I could start on Monday. She accepted that.
Imagine my surprise when I opened up my email this morning to find a letter informing that my "scheduling conflicts would not work" and that you had decided to "go with a different candidate." I was shocked and appalled that you would take such action, especially in an email format that wasn't from you, but rather your accounts payable employee. I see this move to be of bad form in your regard since I had informed you of the conflicts prior to the job offer. I hope you realize your error of judgment and will do better to improve upon that the next time you offer a job to a prospective employee.
I am not extremely pleased with the way things were handled and even though I understand your reasoning, I don't feel it fair to me that you would go back on what you said during earlier conversations.
-Alishka Babushka
obviously...this isn't a perfect letter and I tried not to rip him a new one, even though this is all anonymous and he'll never see it...unless i email it to him. thoughts? should i email him? should i just drop it and count my blessings that i don't have to work for a boss who jerks me around like that? I'm still frustrated with him, but have moved on and i'm applying for other jobs in my field. if any of y'all know of places looking for a secretary or receptionist, let a girl know yah? Thanks!!!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
so a week ago I had a job interview. It went very well and I was very happy with my performance. It was much better than the previous interview.
Today, I got an email.
I got the job.
I start Monday.
I can't believe it.
I'm going to graduate with a real-life job. Happy Day!!

Monday, April 06, 2009
monday morning
I love Mondays! Except when I have to wake up uber early to teach ballet....blah. However, I went to bed early enough last night that I'm feeling pretty good today. I do think I'll try to get a nap in but then again I might not. ;)
I just LOVED General Conference. It was fabulous. There were a few talks that really helped me and gave me some food for thought that will help me get through the next 6 months.
Tomorrow Sister B lands in Utah. I'm so excited!!! SwingKid is also excited...or at least happy for me. ;) It will be some fun times. She and I are going shopping, doing hair for Prom, and will probably eat lots and lots of junk food. he he he.
Also....time is drawing closer to when I will be FINISHED with my degree at BYU. I can hardly believe it. It amazes me. :)
Have a great Monday y'all!!!
I just LOVED General Conference. It was fabulous. There were a few talks that really helped me and gave me some food for thought that will help me get through the next 6 months.
Tomorrow Sister B lands in Utah. I'm so excited!!! SwingKid is also excited...or at least happy for me. ;) It will be some fun times. She and I are going shopping, doing hair for Prom, and will probably eat lots and lots of junk food. he he he.
Also....time is drawing closer to when I will be FINISHED with my degree at BYU. I can hardly believe it. It amazes me. :)
Have a great Monday y'all!!!
Friday, April 03, 2009
plans change
and that's okay folks. SwingKid got asked to do an extra shift tonight and with the fact that he just got accepted to the Social Work Masters program (YAY!!!!) the extra money will come in handy. So alas, I spent my night SwingKid free. sigh. and then there's priesthood session tomorrow night...so .... no date night this weekend, but we have date night like all the time so it's all good.
Instead tonight i did what every girl does when her boyfriend ditches her, i did my nails, my laundry and watched a full disk of Veronica Mars season 3. wahoo!
And now I'm going to bed ridiculously early because we're starting company 30 minutes early tomorrow morning so that we can all get home in time to watch all of general conference. :-)
G'night y'all!!
First April Friday
I love Fridays. Especially today. I get free lunch today. Wahoo!!
3 weeks until graduation y'all!! YAY!!!
And without further ado...Friday fill-ins
1. Angel or not, I will continue on. (this one seems lame to me. so many issues trying to fill this one in....maybe it has to do with the fact that i am SUPER tired.)
2. I'll be there, any way you want me.
3. As my mother used to say, you're full of crap. (except i don't think she said crap. my dad hated the word. he also hated the words sucks. and then one day my mom said, "oh my crap, that sucks." we all bust out laughing. still my favorite thing ever.)
4. Sometimes I feel great and sometimes I feel like I'm going to collapse after I'm done working out or doing something strenuous.
5. Even in the most crowded of rooms I can spot SwingKid and catch his eye to wink at him. ;)
6. Dooms day is a day fraught with peril.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the gallery stroll with SwingKid, tomorrow my plans include early morning practice with my company, General Conference, and a girl's night and Sunday, I want to continue to be inspired through General Conference!
3 weeks until graduation y'all!! YAY!!!
And without further ado...Friday fill-ins
1. Angel or not, I will continue on. (this one seems lame to me. so many issues trying to fill this one in....maybe it has to do with the fact that i am SUPER tired.)
2. I'll be there, any way you want me.
3. As my mother used to say, you're full of crap. (except i don't think she said crap. my dad hated the word. he also hated the words sucks. and then one day my mom said, "oh my crap, that sucks." we all bust out laughing. still my favorite thing ever.)
4. Sometimes I feel great and sometimes I feel like I'm going to collapse after I'm done working out or doing something strenuous.
5. Even in the most crowded of rooms I can spot SwingKid and catch his eye to wink at him. ;)
6. Dooms day is a day fraught with peril.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the gallery stroll with SwingKid, tomorrow my plans include early morning practice with my company, General Conference, and a girl's night and Sunday, I want to continue to be inspired through General Conference!

Thursday, April 02, 2009
busy, busy, busy
Life has been VERY busy lately. I feel like blogging has fallen off my list of things to do...which it seems it has. :-) Yesterday Papa Funk and I got together. He's agreed to make my dress for graduation and so we set about to make a dress form out of me with a t-shirt and duct tape. It was kind of like paper mache but without the mess. :-)
Also, I had to wake up uber early this morning to sub for another D190 teacher. Who takes ballet at 7am? Crazy fools...lucky for me I was able to go to bed at 9:30p last night so I feel pretty good.
And because I am in such a happy mood today, I wanted to share this funny little story that Chilly sent me the otehr day. Enjoy your Thursday y'all!
What A Salesman
A young guy from Wyoming moves to Seattle and goes to a big "everything under one roof" department store looking for a job.
The Manager says, "Do you have any sales experience?"
The kid says "Yeah. I was a salesman back in Wyoming."
Well, the boss liked the kid and gave him the job. "You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did."
His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it.
After the store was locked up, the boss came down. "How many customers bought something from you today?
The kid says "one".
The boss says "Just one? Our sales people average 20 to 30 customers a day. How much was the sale for?"
The kid says "$101,237.65".
The boss says "$101,237.65? What the heck did you sell?"
The kid says, "First, I sold him a small fish hook. Then I sold him a medium fishhook. Then I sold him a larger fishhook.
Then I sold him a new fishing rod. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we
went down to the boat department and I sold him a twin engine Chris Craft . Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4x4 Expedition."
The boss said "A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a BOAT and a TRUCK?"
The kid said "No, the guy came in here to buy Tampons for his wife, and I said, 'Dude, your weekend's shot, you should go fishing.'
Also, I had to wake up uber early this morning to sub for another D190 teacher. Who takes ballet at 7am? Crazy fools...lucky for me I was able to go to bed at 9:30p last night so I feel pretty good.
And because I am in such a happy mood today, I wanted to share this funny little story that Chilly sent me the otehr day. Enjoy your Thursday y'all!
What A Salesman
A young guy from Wyoming moves to Seattle and goes to a big "everything under one roof" department store looking for a job.
The Manager says, "Do you have any sales experience?"
The kid says "Yeah. I was a salesman back in Wyoming."
Well, the boss liked the kid and gave him the job. "You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did."
His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it.
After the store was locked up, the boss came down. "How many customers bought something from you today?
The kid says "one".
The boss says "Just one? Our sales people average 20 to 30 customers a day. How much was the sale for?"
The kid says "$101,237.65".
The boss says "$101,237.65? What the heck did you sell?"
The kid says, "First, I sold him a small fish hook. Then I sold him a medium fishhook. Then I sold him a larger fishhook.
Then I sold him a new fishing rod. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we
went down to the boat department and I sold him a twin engine Chris Craft . Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4x4 Expedition."
The boss said "A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a BOAT and a TRUCK?"
The kid said "No, the guy came in here to buy Tampons for his wife, and I said, 'Dude, your weekend's shot, you should go fishing.'
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