do do do.....i had a very nice weekend. i had a date with the voice guy from my ward, and one with my anatomy study buddy from last semester, plus i got some homework done!!
i got home and hurried and took a shower. roomie b, me, and our dates came to our apt and we made cookies and hot cocoa which we ate on our drive to slc. we then watched the new joseph smith restoration movie, which i LOVE! then we came home and talked and what not. it was a lot of fun, and my crush of the week is voice guy.
rehearsal followed by me taking a test, which i only studied 1/2 an hour for, and have fallen asleep every time, and i got an 82.6 percent. so i am happy. then i wrote a paper. after that i took a shower and went on a date with my anatomy study buddy from last semester. we went to Dance in Concert by Dancer's Company. It was an amazing show. i really thoroughly enjoyed it. :D my date was fun too. we got ice cream afterwards and then we played games @ my apt. so that was cool.
overall it was a good weekend, i really want voice guy to ask me out. that would make my day. :) till next time. ~me
p.s. three weeks to my show. craziness.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
another week or so gone by
whew. its been a great week, and i am doing just grand.
new things:
new things:
- i hate long rehearsals, even though they are necessary
- i went on a hot date on saturday with mr. dr. z-man, and i really like him
- the new joseph smith restoration movie is amazing, and i am going again on friday
- i have a date on saturday, but not with person that i like, but hey its a good friend and we'll have fun.
- we have less than a month to our show, and if you haven't heard of it by now here are the details: February 22nd and February 23 at the UVSC Ragan Theater, Pointe Counter-Pointe featuring Ballet Utah. This show will have excerpts from Swan Lake, a 20-minute version of Firebird (in which i am the evil the evil witch!!!!), and other cool contemporary works, including one that I choreographed myself. Here are more details:
February 22nd at 4:30 and 7:30 (but you should come to the 4:30 because that is when I am soloing ) or on February 23rd at 7:30 (I also solo at this show)
In other words, you should come to the 4:30 on Wednesday the 22nd or the 7:30 on Thursday the 23rd to see me be the evil witch in Firebird. This is honestly going to be the coolest show I have ever done and you really should come. Tickets are $7 from me, and $8 at the door. Email me at all.cuteness (at sign) gmail (dot) com for tickets. - my muscles are rebelling from all the classes and rehearsals, and i think i injured something, but i am trying to nurse it back to being healthy
- i thoroughly love my job. its grand.
- did i mention that i really like mr. dr. z-man?
- i am mostly on top of my homework, which is amazing, and feels great, i should be like this every semester. :D
- i got a cell phone from my dad that i think is going to work and hold me over for the next 3 months....we'll see.

Sunday, January 15, 2006
first week of school, and a dead cell phone
so here is the update, its been a great week, went by pretty well for the first week. and for the first time in 3 semesters i don't have to change my schedule!!! More on that later...
So i woke up and went to work, work was very busy, and that was great, cause i hate it when work is boring. it kind of drives me nuts.
then i went to ballet. i love 391R class! it was amazing! so after that i went to pointe, but we didn't have to dance for pointe b/c 390R didn't dress out. so that was cool. then i changed and went to stats. and guess who is in my class? Toffer! I know him through my dancing friend SG. So that was pretty cool. Toffer is pretty awesome and its nice to already have a friend in stats.
well stats and history are in the same classroom right after each other, and i was sitting in my seat waiting for history to start when guess who i saw walk in? Syrup!!! I was soooooo excited!!! so now i have a friend in history too. syrup came and sat next to me and we kind of got caught up in the each other's lives and i am excited for history now.
then it was off to sharing the gospel. which is an awesome class and i love it! its great.
fhe was good, then i came home and did homework. it was all swell.
another day of work, which went by quickly. i skipped devotional cause i felt like it. then i went to my healthy living class. that class is going to be the bain of my existence. i hate it. but oh well. i'll do what i can to enjoy it. yeah right. so then i change and go upstairs for ballet, but ballet had been cancelled b/c the prof. wasn't going to make it to teach. so i got to go home earlier than normal. i took care of some things in the apt. then MC picked me up for company. we went up to lindon and company was great! after that i came home and did more homework. yeah for me being responsible. :p
work work work. i love earning money for work!! :D then it was off to ballet, where i am informed in ballet that level placement would be happening that day and thursday, crap...i think i don't want to be in 390R again. so i start working my butt off.....and get sore in the process. pointe was good but my feet hurt cause i had broke in new pointe shoes that night before. then stats, followed by history. ok funny story here. so i am waiting for history to start right? well...i know that syrup is going to be there, so i save him a seat and wait for him to come in. well i finally see him come in, and i give him a big smile, and then wink at him. (it was a very flirty wink fyi) he holds my gaze....and winks back!!!!!! it made me laugh. then he comes up to me and says 'you saved me a seat!' and i said 'what else was i going to do??' so we sat together and it was grand. after history i came home ate dinner and then dr. teeth came over and we rehearsed for our piece that is going to be shown in like 5 weeks. hurrah. it was a good rehearsal. then i did more homework, watched the mens basketball game, which we lost. but hey, its all good.
work, no stats lab so i did some reading. then i went to ballet, i am sooo sore it wasn't even funny. they watch us so the now how to place us. they talked to us afterwards, and guess what?!! I get to stay in the 391R class!!! they aren't making me change my schedule for the first time in 3 semesters! i was super excited!! then i left immediately and went to teaching, which after that i had a 1/2 hour break and then we left and went to orem for company (lots of dancing i am telling you, its great.) after company i did more homework and went to bed really early cause i was super tired.
work again....then ballet. i was so sore...but i worked hard. i need to keep working hard. pointe was good. then stats. toffer makes me laugh. i like sitting next to him in class. then history. syrup came in and sat next to me. :) i really like that kid. its great. after history we actually talked some more ,a little about his mission too, which was cool to hear about it, even if i did write him. so then i came home and had to go to the bathroom, well my phone was in my back pocket, and it fell in to the toilet. it was only in there for a few seconds, but it stopped working .i was devestated. so then i had a date cause becky asked me to double w/her and her blind date. i took DB my hometeacher from winter 2005. we went to the men's volleyball game and jamba juice. it was SO much fun. DB is a cool guy and i like him too...
after letting my phone dry overnight, i find that it still works. i was ecstatic. :D but then....after company and teaching ,and the teacher meeting (actually during the teacher meeting) it stopped working. and its not working as of right now. i don't know what i am going to do. there is the exact same phone on ebay so i might just have to buy it. but is kind of driving me nuts that my phone isn't working. my mom tells me i should just live w/out it until we can upgrade in april, but i can't do that. so many ppl only have my cell phone number, its my life. so i might just have to buy a new one. i am going to t-mobile tomorrow to figure things out. yuk. i also have rehearsal tomorrow, but that's cool cause i get to learn my part for Firebird which we are performing in a few weeks. hurray for the show! well i need to get ready, so i am out of here...! :)
So i woke up and went to work, work was very busy, and that was great, cause i hate it when work is boring. it kind of drives me nuts.
then i went to ballet. i love 391R class! it was amazing! so after that i went to pointe, but we didn't have to dance for pointe b/c 390R didn't dress out. so that was cool. then i changed and went to stats. and guess who is in my class? Toffer! I know him through my dancing friend SG. So that was pretty cool. Toffer is pretty awesome and its nice to already have a friend in stats.
well stats and history are in the same classroom right after each other, and i was sitting in my seat waiting for history to start when guess who i saw walk in? Syrup!!! I was soooooo excited!!! so now i have a friend in history too. syrup came and sat next to me and we kind of got caught up in the each other's lives and i am excited for history now.
then it was off to sharing the gospel. which is an awesome class and i love it! its great.
fhe was good, then i came home and did homework. it was all swell.
another day of work, which went by quickly. i skipped devotional cause i felt like it. then i went to my healthy living class. that class is going to be the bain of my existence. i hate it. but oh well. i'll do what i can to enjoy it. yeah right. so then i change and go upstairs for ballet, but ballet had been cancelled b/c the prof. wasn't going to make it to teach. so i got to go home earlier than normal. i took care of some things in the apt. then MC picked me up for company. we went up to lindon and company was great! after that i came home and did more homework. yeah for me being responsible. :p
work work work. i love earning money for work!! :D then it was off to ballet, where i am informed in ballet that level placement would be happening that day and thursday, crap...i think i don't want to be in 390R again. so i start working my butt off.....and get sore in the process. pointe was good but my feet hurt cause i had broke in new pointe shoes that night before. then stats, followed by history. ok funny story here. so i am waiting for history to start right? well...i know that syrup is going to be there, so i save him a seat and wait for him to come in. well i finally see him come in, and i give him a big smile, and then wink at him. (it was a very flirty wink fyi) he holds my gaze....and winks back!!!!!! it made me laugh. then he comes up to me and says 'you saved me a seat!' and i said 'what else was i going to do??' so we sat together and it was grand. after history i came home ate dinner and then dr. teeth came over and we rehearsed for our piece that is going to be shown in like 5 weeks. hurrah. it was a good rehearsal. then i did more homework, watched the mens basketball game, which we lost. but hey, its all good.
work, no stats lab so i did some reading. then i went to ballet, i am sooo sore it wasn't even funny. they watch us so the now how to place us. they talked to us afterwards, and guess what?!! I get to stay in the 391R class!!! they aren't making me change my schedule for the first time in 3 semesters! i was super excited!! then i left immediately and went to teaching, which after that i had a 1/2 hour break and then we left and went to orem for company (lots of dancing i am telling you, its great.) after company i did more homework and went to bed really early cause i was super tired.
work again....then ballet. i was so sore...but i worked hard. i need to keep working hard. pointe was good. then stats. toffer makes me laugh. i like sitting next to him in class. then history. syrup came in and sat next to me. :) i really like that kid. its great. after history we actually talked some more ,a little about his mission too, which was cool to hear about it, even if i did write him. so then i came home and had to go to the bathroom, well my phone was in my back pocket, and it fell in to the toilet. it was only in there for a few seconds, but it stopped working .i was devestated. so then i had a date cause becky asked me to double w/her and her blind date. i took DB my hometeacher from winter 2005. we went to the men's volleyball game and jamba juice. it was SO much fun. DB is a cool guy and i like him too...
after letting my phone dry overnight, i find that it still works. i was ecstatic. :D but then....after company and teaching ,and the teacher meeting (actually during the teacher meeting) it stopped working. and its not working as of right now. i don't know what i am going to do. there is the exact same phone on ebay so i might just have to buy it. but is kind of driving me nuts that my phone isn't working. my mom tells me i should just live w/out it until we can upgrade in april, but i can't do that. so many ppl only have my cell phone number, its my life. so i might just have to buy a new one. i am going to t-mobile tomorrow to figure things out. yuk. i also have rehearsal tomorrow, but that's cool cause i get to learn my part for Firebird which we are performing in a few weeks. hurray for the show! well i need to get ready, so i am out of here...! :)
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
a week gone by...
sorry i haven't updated...i have been at home and all that jazz. i had a really nice, homey christmas. i didn't get anything HUGE, but i got just a few small things that i wanted. so that was good.since my last update i have hung out alot with rs prez #2 and decided that i now have a really huge crush on a certain z-man. :D
roommate S got engaged and didn't tell anyone. so i didn't know until i got an invite to her bridal shower her sister was throwing since she lives in maryland (her sister lives there, not roomie S) so that was entertaining. i will have married of 5 roommates in 1 year by the end of may. crazy huh? and i sent one on a mission...oh and one is in paris on study abroad for the next 4 months. even more crazy. i just go through them roommates. i have had a new one every semester since i came to byu. crazy....
roomie B is back and we made really good cookies last night and watch Kronk's New Groove, which i thought was going to be super stupid, and it was a little bit, but it kinda acted like The Emperor's New Groove, but had a lot of little things from other movies, like it made reference to lord of the rings, and michael jackson, and so many others, it was hilarious. :) i liked it, but then i am a sucker for disney... :) well i am out...see ya later alligators!
roommate S got engaged and didn't tell anyone. so i didn't know until i got an invite to her bridal shower her sister was throwing since she lives in maryland (her sister lives there, not roomie S) so that was entertaining. i will have married of 5 roommates in 1 year by the end of may. crazy huh? and i sent one on a mission...oh and one is in paris on study abroad for the next 4 months. even more crazy. i just go through them roommates. i have had a new one every semester since i came to byu. crazy....
roomie B is back and we made really good cookies last night and watch Kronk's New Groove, which i thought was going to be super stupid, and it was a little bit, but it kinda acted like The Emperor's New Groove, but had a lot of little things from other movies, like it made reference to lord of the rings, and michael jackson, and so many others, it was hilarious. :) i liked it, but then i am a sucker for disney... :) well i am out...see ya later alligators!
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