for many reasons. i thought i would dread today, but now all of a sudden i don't dread today. my computer has been fixed, and that makes me happy. it now can play the music listening assignments from blackboard, which is good. i have test in so said music class, that i was stressing about all week, and all of a sudden i feel a sense of calmness, and i am no longer worried about said music test.
it's a friday, that definitely goes on the what makes me happy today list.
plus it's a PAYDAY friday, which makes friday 10x better.
so then, i think what tops the list today is the fact that i am working in my fishbowl of an office watching students walk on by, when all of a sudden i see Syrup an old friend from highschool. i took syrup to sweethearts my junior year, his senior, and he was in one of my classes. we were friends, and then he left on his mission, leaving a gf who i swore was waiting for him. she got married this summer, so i am told. i see him walk by, and i got outmy office door and yell "hey syrup!!" i and he turned around, looked at me, and then he had this weird look on his face, and then he's all (my real name here)! i didn't recognize you! you're all grown up! it was GREAT!!!! and it made me happy to know that i really have changed, even though part of me doesn't think so, i know i have. so then we talked for like 15 minutes about random things, my life, his life, dance, school, and then said we should get together, he asked me what i was doing for conf. i said nothing much, and he said the same for him, and it was just good to see him! totally made my day, and now i am REALLY calm about my test.
and another thing adding to the list of things of why i am happy today.... i just got to pop package bubbles. he he he
this day is just going to be great i can i am happy. :)
Friday, September 30, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
world of dance
WORLD OF DANCE TOMORROW!!!!! w/ J. He he he, i am excited but, he told me last night when i called w/details, he just started dating this girl from our ward, she's okay w/him going, and i'm okay w/going w/someone who is dating someone, but it is still kinda sad that he is dating someone else. but you know what? its okay. I told god last night that my dating life is in his hands, i'm going to focus on school, and dancing. if boys come they come, if they don't, i am not going to fret about it. i don't have time for a boyfriend anyways...can you see me w/a boyfriend? i think not.
so i will have fun, we will go and support our folk friend Q. (who i kinda like....) and yeah. it will be fun. :D
so i will have fun, we will go and support our folk friend Q. (who i kinda like....) and yeah. it will be fun. :D
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
school schmool
wow. already the 3rd week of school. what am i doing with my self? well...I am staying up too late, either with boys, or with my friendly anatomy book that doesn't know how to cuddle. and i'm dancing like crazy. i got new pointe shoes which makes me really happy. guess what else makes me happy? i asked J.O. ( i really need a new name for him...) to go to world of dance with me, in spanish! and he said yes!!!! :D so we are going on sept. 24th at 8pm, oh, and i bought my tickets a couple of days ago, and guess what?? eighth row back, center! sweet lovin' we have good seats! hoorah!
what else is new in my life.....oh saga of sagas, and books and books. and i'm done.
what else is new in my life.....oh saga of sagas, and books and books. and i'm done.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
it has been way tooooo long
so life is crazy, school is good, and i am a dancing fiend. a good thing about being a dancing fiend is the fact that some of that freshman 30 that i put on, is going away! my roommate commented on it this morning. horrah! and life is good, and i like J.O. and I'm going to ask him to world of spanish cause he speaks spanish, and yeah it may be dorky, but it will be cute, and i am really busy so i am long.

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