so this year i got exactly what i wanted, including something that i didn't ask for, but is really cool.
so in review what i got this year...or at least my favorites. :D

the foot massager spa. this is so cool. it has heat, vibration, bubbles, jet, and cool little tools to massage your feet. it's awesome. i love it. and it feels really really cool.

next...the george foreman grill. i am so excited to go home and cook on this tonight. awesome. :) it should be an adventure and give me some good food too. :D

i love this because i can go out and buy my own shoes. whatever ones i want or need at any given time. yep...pretty cool stuff gift cards are. now i just have to go out and use it. :D

my new byu hoodie!!! i have wanted one of these for a long long time. and i am very excited to have one now. mine doesn't quite look like this one, but it's very similair. and is dark blue. and says cougars on the sleeve. it's very warm and soft. and i like it. i can now show off my true colors any where i go. wahoo!

okay so this is really cool too. i got the Cirque du Soleil KA CD. and's really really cool. i love the music on it. its just good!!! and sounds cool. :D

and last but not least is my theraband. i got a new one. it's dark black...darker then this one. which means its hard strength which is good so i can work out my feet more. i also got (but not pictured) a rolling pin, mostly to roll out my sore calves, but if i need to cook with be it. :) i also got some tennis balls which are great to get knots out of a back or legs or whatever. so all in all i got some much needed dance training type stuff, and other items as well. makes me happy. i need to go update my wish list now for my birthday....refer to countdown for how many days. wahoo! ciao!