Thursday, September 14, 2006

the update!!

i apologize. i really do. i haven't updated in ages. I'm sorry. so, since i last blogged, I went to the zoo, met a new boy and got a crush, watched the BYU football game, started school, worked like made because i was training someone, went to the second BYU football game/home opener and got soaked in the rain, went to regional conference and listened to a very animated President Monson next to my new said crush, started week 2 of school in which it has been much more relaxing. *breath* i also went to a work social that i was going to have a date for, but it fell through, had fun anyways and now I'm ready for the weekend. woooh. i just bought world of dance tickets, and I'm going to ask me new crush to go with me, hopefully he says yes. if he does, i will be sure to come up with some great 'nym for him for now, he's new crush. :P brilliant I know. so yeah. thus is my life. and now....i should finish cleaning my room and go to bed. until next time, which i hope is sooner than last time....adieu/