Tuesday, May 24, 2005

someone made me think...

so i was reading uffish's blog today, and it made me think about birth order, and how it does always seem that younger siblings do better than the older, in a way. i think i have figured out why this is.
I think because we older children set the standard for what is acceptable, the younger ones have the opportunity to surpass that, so it always seems like the younger is better than the older. we (the older) didn't have anyone to follow, we were first, the guinea pigs to our parent's whims, we had to forge our own path in the way of life, had to figure things out first, and had to pave our own path, and it was probably just a rough dirt path. younger siblings can follow us in our paths, but make our paths better, 'casue they are re-paving them. then they have left an even better path for the next youngest, so by the time the youngest goes through, they have a super beautiful path that is hard to surpass, because it was already a dirt road, and then pavement, and then silver, and they have to make it gold. which is not easy. so that is my theory, lend me your thoughts...